What's everybody doing with their week off mythic+?

I leveled up a monk, cleared a 2, then a 5, then an 8 then the 10. Probably going to get my 4 done on my hunter / dk, both of which are doing keys between 15-18, and with any luck getting some more portals on my druid. Spiteful is pretty annoying this week but otherwise it’s pretty chill.

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i hit 3k on my hunter last night (been taking my time… i timed 21-22s a couple weeks ago but still have 16s on both fort and tyr) and started a boosted rogue this week. i got pals to carry me in a couple 16s for vault and ran a couple +2s with pugs just to practice. she’s got dual 291 legos but no tier, and i’m hitting about 7k overall. i have TONS of room to improve, and obviously need tier, but i got the 272 jailer fist weapon from the weekly quest box so that should help a bit :slight_smile:


I have no issues with necrotic for the most part

grievous on the other hand…

What are you going to do?

My baby monk is only doing like 5-6k and is feeling pretty scrubbish :frowning: 0 tier and my legos are low rank. Also only got a 265 legs from the quest, wasn’t the WORST luck like hitting a slot that I had put my lego on or something but a 272 fist would have been pretty sweet :stuck_out_tongue:

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for sure. usually those boxes have junk for me, so it was nice to get one of the best pieces i could possibly have gotten. i was using 236 pox and a 229 green dagger for oh, so this is a substantial upgrade. i think i’m going to switch to assassination loot spec for the weekend to try to pick up a dagger (currently i’m using pox in the oh)

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Timed my first ever 24 tonight. Got 48 pts total tonight. Decent week for tanking.


Tanking this week has been fine, it’s everyone else dying to bosses that is the problem lol


100 times this. I’ve lost count of how many keys this season failed on Tyrannical week because dps can’t handle pass/fail boss mechanics. If their mistakes can’t be healed through then it’s clearly not doable.

I had one person in a 19 tell me Stitchflesh was impossible without 3 spears. They were failing at hooking the boss. For so many of them it seems, if a mechanic can’t be avoided completely by high enough damage to prevent it from happening then it just isn’t doable. I told him it wasn’t a damage problem, it’s perfectly doable if people just hook the boss correctly. He responded, “It is a damage problem, because without the spears, he needs to be hooked over and over again and people aren’t going to be able to do that.”

That’s just the longest conversation I’ve had with someone who basically said outright that executing a mechanic is some arcane strat that will never work. Based on my experience with Tyrannical there a ton of dps who just don’t understand the boss fights and get carried through Fortified by the healer.

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Yeah… no. I only 2 spear no lust stitch even in 20+. A lot of players don’t know to hook the stage on the 3rd one.

And even this is convenience to cut time from the transitions, right? With 5 people who know what’s happening, at least up to 20, it’s perfectly doable with no lust or spears. As long as he gets hooked every time, I don’t think the adds would be untankable before he died. I’m sure there’s a point where it becomes necessary to cut time or the tank dies, but it’s not at the levels I’ve done.

And I don’t understand this at all. It’s been like this every season since the beginning of the xpac. How can anyone in keys 15+ not know this already? New and returning players should have already seen it while they work up to 15s. If they’re getting carried to skip the early stuff, then their friends/guild should be telling them what they need to know. I’m expected to memorize routes for 10 dungeons, and the dps can’t remember a couple of boss mechanics?

For someone who programs, there might be a market for an addon that puts boss instructions on the damage meter where people are more likely to see them.

Especially on Tyrannical, the Abominations chunk heavily. If the boss doesn’t die then the group will need to ensure that there are never more than 2 Abominations. Even 2 can become a challenge, especially because their hooks will hook each other if they are stacked up.

It’s a problem because they are probably used to the boss being melted in lower keys within 1-phase to know that the 3rd hook needs to go on the stage.

It’s 3 adds. Or tanking 2 for more than 45s. Mutilate has to be countered. Getting 3 casts every 20s you’ll just eventually run out of answers. Nvm that 2 adds is enough to disrupt the common strategy or hook stage, hook boss, hook stage because now they hook each other and cancel the second hook cast so you get into a loop where you get more and more aboms and never bring the boss back before you lose.

Ask me how I know :).

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This…I finally decided to play an alt after having 2 healer toons over the 3k io mark which pugging is no easy feat lol. Anyhow, i watched a dps die 3 rimes on first boss in hoa…How is that even possible? How are people this bad in 10-12 keys lol

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This week is easy as s***. Get good

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