What's everybody doing with their week off mythic+?

Heroic isn’t an achievement.

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Heroic reallly means nothing man.

I think the point is heroic isn’t an achievement and +15s where gear stops is even less of an achievement despite providing better gear?

Blizz trying to equate CE, KSH, and gladiator for the 278 conduits was also a troll move with how vastly wide the gap is between KSH and CE or gladiator.

Propose a better system for raid loot. Wouldn’t bother me 1 bit. I just despise the idea that heroic should be a protected content difficulty. I’m actively arguing that hero is nothing special in another thread.

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i’m doing keys

at the level i play, the affixes are not a big deal. spiteful is a minor annoyance.

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The problem isn’t Heroic, the problem is actually that Mythic raiding is out of reach for many due to it not featuring flex sizing.

So if you have 12 good players who finish out Heroic in two months of a six month season, they now have no further progress as a team.

i did a lot of keys today, maybe i just had really bad luck for the first time in the season, it was just a really bad day overall

  • had a tank pull 2 groups with first boss of nw, he died like a retard and logged off
  • had a tank miss a devos spear, how can you even miss that, then he logged off even if we still had 13 minutes left on timer
  • had a lvl 270 warrior with a respectable 2k score doing 6k dps and dying 3 times on hoa first boss
  • also an healer who logged off during dos on the last corridor, with plenty of time left to time the key

Forgetting it’s necrotic and I need to temper my pull expectations has been a killer for me so far this week. Yesterday I pulled the first NW boss with two minor trash packs completely forgetting why this was a terrible idea. The rapid death to necrotic quickly reminded me.

Unfortunately some tanks and heals are like that. Bunch of entitled prima donnas who will leave at the slightest provocation because they’re in demand and can just get another group.

overall in this season, i did not have much horrible stories as i had today rofl, i pugged 2 ksm on my shaman and warlock, now i am trying to gear my hunter, maybe once i get a good pushing week i will get another toon at 2500 then i don’t know what i will do

Yeah the tank probably didn’t realize that necrotic kills that NW strat cause you’ll have a ton of stacks real quick and the healing from the orbs won’t do anything and you go splat.

But normally everyone grabs an orb, stacks on tank and you pull a bunch of stuff on the boss and the orbs will radiate healing to allies and damage to enemies and melt all those adds. So it’s not that the pull was wrong, it’s that the tank didn’t really have a plan for Necrotic which eliminates the orb healing part.

This is the only concern with this pull this week. If you’re a kyrian dwarf, you have plenty of clears to get through the adds being alive. I know this excludes druids and demon hunters and dks probably would need more then 2 clears, but this should be a fairly easy pull for monk and paladin and probably OK for warrior.

Sounds like my exp on my hunter alt, 253 warrior with 1.6 io or whatever did 3.1k overall dps, barely timed the 10 thank god for my hunter and the lock lol. Finally get to try and play around on a dps toon since i have 2 toons at 3k+ and am done pushing and its been pretty rough lol

Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Boys
The Batman
The new Spider man

Just catching up on TV.

Floors me Blizz doesn’t adjust affixes on weeks like this.

It has been adjusted from 9 seconds to 5 seconds.


Doing story quests of other covenants for mogs.

I’m trying to work in some of the secret mounts & progress meta achievements this week after I log my 8 dungeons…Probably a good time to get some honor levels too :revolving_hearts:

idk though, I tried some dungeons last night (nothing too high), and they didn’t feel bad at all…the worst part about this week so far was actually the que - having to sift through 20+ applicants and only 1-2 being tanks. :100:


unpopular opinion: this is one of the better weeks for healers that we’ve had in a while, unless you’re hpal or maybe mistweaver. necrotic is a tank issue (assuming you’re doing your part to help them create space when needed) and dps eating spiteful melees is their issue.


Necrotic on tyrannical week is a complete nothing burger. Up to 22, you only need 1 or 2 clears per pull. Did a 20 on Tuesday and only had to clear on extreme 10 - 15 mob pulls and only at 78ish stacks. Ymmv, of course, non mitigation tanks will have to clear more often, but the trash dies so quickly that it’s barely a thing and once you have enough stacks to kite, the sprites start showing up and you pull the enemies away from the spires, it’s a bonanza.


I am referring to combinations of affixes.

If keys are too hard this week can pug some mythic raid clears for loot instead.