Whats Blizzard's excuse on Keystone Master for alts?

This made me laugh. I spit orange juice across the table. :rofl:

So you have to play the game? Also ksm is stupid easy this season

Its 20 dungeon runs per character to be able to use the valor next patch. I wish it and the rating was accountwide.

You still have to farm out the valor anyway. And pugging on alrs is annoying.

I hope they just make it accountwide.

Mythic rating doesn’t make sense to be character specific though. Since its how good you are as a player. Your characters can not do anything without you.

Their excuse is they want you playing as much as possible with little regard for your time or real life.

This is why I’m sticking with one character and spec.

They do not care if you feel good playing this game. They care that you’re paying.

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Well that would be true for someone’s PvP rating or raiding right? I mean last time I checked raiding guilds weren’t just zoning in and letting their characters “play themselves”… So if it a sign of our “ability” to defeat content, where do I sign my alts up for their weekly raid loot!

I think its just annoying to get into like 10-15 keys on alts. And having options to spam lower keys to upgrade stuff you get from lower keys wouod be good.

Right now you mostly would do that after you get the 2000 rating or close to it.

Thats 16 runs before you can upgrade the gear and waiting another week to half the runs.

If it was accountwide you just farm the valor and use it as needed while working your way up to 15s.

The rating system also maybe wants you to queue for keys you havent done yet. So depending on who is posting keys you may not get the key you need to upgrade your gear that you have to farm rated for before you can use the valor.

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My pugging raids with the raider.io linked to your main.

The point is locking valor upgrades is silly in the first place. In pvp its really silly with how snowbally it is.

Sure it does. You may be a good DPS but are you a good tank? Heck, you may be a good Shaman DPS but are you a good Feral Druid?

Earning IO on alts is fine. It gives you something to accomplish in alts early o. It isn’t as though you will ever get more valor than you can spend unless you engage in degenerate gameplay (farming baby keys). If you’re in an always push forward mindset on alts the system works well.

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I find that dps is easier.

And I have been trying to gear a prot warrior. I know I can probably gear it faater if I pug on dps and get a full dps gear set.

My undead necrolord prot warrior is the one I got my legion artifacts with. But the meta mythics want me to go kyrian. Which is an option I have to consider if I want an easier time to get gear. Kyrian is decent for fury too which is my preferred dps spec which I couod probably gear faster since I haven’t tanked much in the past expansions and probably more effective as dpa

Another option is to go meta play meta gear fast and then swap back after I get all the gear and rating.

Or like I wish it was accountwide and just use the valor.

I have been gearing tank/heals specs by dpsing anyway. My resto shaman gear is my enh gear with some loot spec switching depending on the dungeon to fill slots.

I both healed and dpsed to get my rating. The harder part was first getting into groups to get the rating.

Low keys are more fun. The exact cutoff point where people actually want to be in the dungeon is 14. Once you list a 15 instead of a 14 everything goes haywire. You don’t get people that want to be playing M+, you get people who feel forced to be playing M+ for stat progress. You go from a pool of very happy wonderful people who are playing the game because they love the game to a pool of tired, miserable, toxic people who wish they were dead or playing a different game. That 15 spam to fill the vault completely changes what the game is. You can run 20 +14 keys in a row and never encounter a miserable person, but you can’t run a single +15 without encountering multiple miserable people. Whatever reason my butt, not everyone sees the game the same as you do :stuck_out_tongue:


Because it being account-wide was a bug.

No idea who said it:

Maybe something to think about…

I rarely have any trouble with 15+ keys, precisely because you’re more likely to run into competent players who just want their vault slot for the week. Whereas low level keys can be a crapshoot of people still learning, not quite up to the task, or simply disinterested. And as I’ve said before, the transition to the rating system has taken most of the pressure out of actually meeting the timer. Especially for those trying to get KSM in the first place…since you can still get it with a bunch of depleted keys.

From my perspective what you say can not possibly be true. I have listed too many groups, interacted with too many different people, and seen too much of a consistent pattern. It is not coming from me. I do not insult people, do not complain to people, I am always competitive in my DPS, I haven’t triggered someone’s elitism helper in months. I know the fights in out up down backwards and forwards. The difference between the pool of people playing 2-14 and the pool of people playing 15-20 is extremely different, with the 15-20 group being the worst humanity can muster. It is a game design issue.

Good luck getting into even low level keys with low rating and low ilvl lol.

16% of players even have it at all, according to DataforAzeroth, yet certain folks on GD want you to get it more than once.


Uh… no, it wasn’t "obvious"ly a “hack”. Account-wide KSM was a fantastic change, and removing it was terrible.


It was though.

Because you don’t get auto geared on alts in pvp and raiding.

One of the few good features of the expansion is a “bug”. Oh wow!