just came back to the game and am rolling a warrior. I see on warcraft logs most warriors are playing fury in m+? and most of them are night elf. Is there a reason for that? thanks for the advice. Dont think Ill ever be hardcore again but used to do ce stuff in bfa and dont want to pay for a race change
Any high end logs you’re looking at are going to be full of people who care about a .05 percent increase of damage. I would guess the Night elf choice is for the extra haste/crit from their racial. It’s not really enough to say “x is objectively better than y”.
I don’t think you should worry about damage output based on your race. Any damage discrepancy will be dictated by your gear and rotational discipline.
I would instead focus on the ability given by the race choice. For instance, in the new M+ cycle there is going to be a mechanic of a stacking poison leading to an instant kill. If you go dwarf, you can cleanse that poison off yourself. I can see shadow meld from Night elf being useful for dropping aggro, or worgen’s speed boost for extra mobility. Think about the parts of your class where you lack utility or self reliance and see if you can shore up some weaknesses.
If it’s not just a gameplay concern, aesthetics are also worth considering. Everyone knows looking good adds 20K dps to any character. If you don’t like how you look, it won’t mean much if you’re outputting 4 extra dps.
The only place where I would put weight into your decision is if you’re planning to pvp. In which case, Human and Orc tend to be the go to. The free CC break and the reduced stun effect are very useful, often outshining other options.
Ultimately it’s up to you. Where do you put value in your character and your experience playing the game?
I hope this helped
Great answer from a wise warrior
Thank you kindly!
Not really. Those of us that have been Night elf from the start simply got lucky that Shadow meld and the stat buffs work well with M+.
A majority of races all bring some good things to M+ though. Dwarf, Tauren, Troll, Vulpera, Gnome, all have some solid racial abilities. Play what you want.
thanks for the answer. I do some pvp about 2100ish so I planned on going ghome. I had to pay for a race change to tauren on a hunter in my old cutting edge guild during bfa and just didnt want a repeat. it was only a 3% damage difference at the time but we were so close and gm made everyone min max. glad to know there wasnt a reason
there is only one true race , dwarves
I went the Forsaken Nightelf race, no regrets… <_<
Gonna be gnome with the new entangling affix. Be cute and cheat.
Race doesn’t matter, it all depends on how you do your rotation and your knowledge of the class, personally, I like the Zalandari Trolls for warriors because if you choose Pa’ku as your Loa you get a 4% crit
Race is irrelevant unless you are fighting for top 1 or competing at mdi
Thought it was dwarf for the Critical strike bonus damage and healing increased by 2%.
vulpera definitely do not have solid racial abilities. bag of tricks takes up the slot of the general combat racial, and its 100% useless. this leaves vulpera as the worst option for fury.
Nose for trouble also allows them to survive a lot.
yeah you get 4% crit but you also get 200% annoying yelling you can’t turn off.
Ain’t that the truth. When I transferred my Horde character I also did race swap as well. Wanted to try Zandalari troll, but after a week of the over the top and non stop screaming with pretty well every attack or push of a button. It was too much and swapped it to Nightborne. Sadly, I haven’t touched that warrior since S2 Shadowlands.
You need to be introduced to our lord and savior, Leatrix Plus.
Holy crap! I need this just for that dam Duck in the bank!
dark iron dwarf #1
thanks for the advice everyone. I went night elf just because I really like meld in pvp as well to avoid that huge bolt for example