What's been easiest/hardest for you to hit 1800?

Just curious? For those of us who have played multiple classes/specs to 1800 this season? Which ones have been the easiest/hardest? I’ll start:


arms warrior
resto druid
sub rogue


frost mage
destro lock
disc priest

  • I found 2s generally way easier to hit 1800 in for all of my healers as opposed to SS.
  • I found frost mage very hard to do well in SS (got 1800 in 2s)
  • Holy pally I found particularly good in 2s as opposed to SS
  • Disc priest was probably most challenging healer I played in SS (didn’t play preservation)
  • Hit 1800 (SS) surprisingly quickly on MM hunter despite never having played hunter.
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anything when I have on honor gear though I coast on warrior to 1800 cause i have 22 warriors. easiest had to be destro I have never coasted so hard on destro to 1800 in my life lol any time i got a melee lobby i enjoyed destroying it. now my destor is sitting at 2100 mmr and I haven’t touched it. hardest is gonna be sp cause sp. having 0 conq boxes cause i just don’t feel like pvping this season sucksssss need to up conq gain by quadraple.

DH or destro. Dh you can be drunk af and somehow still climb. Lock is a sober class though

I just can’t live on destro. I port and gate well but under pressure of melee trains I flop. I need coaching lol

double Coil into sfury with a cbolt or 2 and a bunch of instants gonna just kills people.

DH was easiest. I did it in 7 lobbies with mostly greens while doing nothing but running at 1 target all game every game.


Hardest surv hunter, easiest ww monk.


Easiest was definitely boomy because I have the most XP on it, but aside from that, I’d say from easiest to hardest:

Sin Rogue
Havoc DH
Arms war
BM Hunter
Demo lock
Resto Shaman
Devastation Evoker
Arcane mage
Ret Paladin
Mistweaver (Caster)
Unholy DeathKnight


Hardest? probably sin rogue after it was gutted, that spec is so squishy and can be denied so easily. Pretty much playing rogue on hardmode.

Easiest? BM hunter /DH/ Unholy DK/ Frost Mage/Dev Evoker. I thought getting my demo lock/spriest would be a struggle but I got those under 100 games where my boomy might t be my worst caster for the season (I don’t really play boomy but feral is too masochistic to play atm)

I can’t get past 1600 on my lock. It’s been a real pain.


Demo is consistently the easiest alt for me to get the set on. No idea what I’m doing but topping damage and being unkillable makes it pretty easy

Hardest was SP I’m traumatized and not going back


I sit around 1500-1650. destro is so good but it’s a windup and I’m just not used to it yet. no complaints it is super fun to play. I think aff is way more fun to play though because you can pressure much faster. really depends on the matchup but just my experience.

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Easiest Outlaw rogue
Hardest Feral

Easiest to hardest for me was

Demo- maybe cuz I main it idk
Dh- idk how I got to 1800 so fast when it felt like I was in greens and felt like losing more than winning.
Bm- I was just pressing kill command on cd and winning, didn’t realized there were barb shot stacks till like 25 games in.
Aug- just find someone to buff up and it’s an easy ride to 1800 at least

Easiest - rdruid (Easiest thing ever)
Hardest - Pres evoker (dude this spec in shuffle hurts my brain so much to think about).

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Yeah demo and DH are the only specs I’ve gotten 1800 in shuffle with in 7 lobbies. I just give DH the nod because it was more undergeared and I didn’t do much more than choose a target dummy to dps on every game.

Solo shuffle all the way to the top

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I’m still trying to get it on pres. Pres between 1600-1700 is prob the most frustrating experience I’ve ever had.

Can only speak to shuffle:

MW (cast)

Harder: Hpriest, though lightwell is really nice in lower mmr shuffle after rework

Still trying: Pres

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Easiest: Augmentation or Elemental

Hardest: Guardian

Just a quick question, some folks on this forum are saying ret is omega giga ultra SS tier, how did it end so low on your list?