What's been easiest/hardest for you to hit 1800?

I played ret+aff with a friend in a meta that was 99% dh+better caster and that was a STRUGGLE.
Ret paladin is very very good, but it’s not so much the class itself is gamebreaking as it enables its team to play entirely differently.

I’ve all healers at 1800+ (both priest specs). The hardest healer was Pres Evoker, hands down, by far. I think because they seem the worst healer for deep dampening, so every match is a race against the clock. Pres also seems to have worse lobby match-ups on average.

Easiest for me was definitely Disc priest. I did it really quickly in one sitting. I knew how to play it so that helped. They just have so much offensive power that it rips thru lower rated pvp.

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easiest was ww and mw because its my main class, second easiest was dh, i dont think i even got 1800 on anything else, i was working on a priest but i dont even remember how far on her i got, i played for a few weeks of the season and kinda dipped

ive never really tried it because i know i would embarass myself but warlock in general

i did so many 3s with my friends and they hated me so much, all i did was take infinite damage, never fear, do 0 damage, and then die


feral has been been hardest for me ngl

For me SP was the hardest so far.
Easiest hmm - Devoker or Arcane Mage - since low lobbys are full of meele and Arcane farms them.

Fury :sob:
I don’t like arms.

So far seems like the consensus is:


arms warrior
mw (caster)
outlaw rogue


shadow priest
assassination rogue
Feral druid
pres evoker

  • with most others falling somewhere in between (excluding tank specs)
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Surv hunt representin! Did you have fun on it? I find it’s the most fun spec I have played so far.

Surv is probably my third favorite after dev and enh. I played it a ton back in Shadowlands and it’s such an interactive class.

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Thats warlock life. Last night, my other dps chased and died in africa in a 1v1 and he yelled at me for not fearing lol

maybe bfa last season… compared to dragonflight i had some frustrating moments, but in general at best i got 2 characters to complete full pvp set.
and back then, i had so many matches that i got 6 pvp saddle mounts insignias.
in this case i’m counting difficulty on how many times i had to keep playing until i reach my goal, and in dragonflight although i had moments i wanted to break me pc, they were sure quick in comparison.

The only mog worth 1800 this season was DH. So naturally I did it on Veng :face_with_peeking_eye:

I also have like 100 rounds on Blood but I’m not doing too well :pensive:

Havoc was a joke, played about 10-11 shuffles to get from 0 to 1800.

You need to put feral as giga hard for solo shuffle

Im going enhance next, i dont buy this. They have such a good toolkit now with moleman cosplay and super disruptive kit for just about any class. Maybe im biased because they look cool

In shuffle, the only character I had that rating stagnated before 2200 was warrior. Playing around gap closers is not fun. Quit at 2k

Sp, mage, rogue and Druid were easiest. Winning with CC is fun.

And yet every season thousands of people queue up melee cleaves. This senseless waste of effort must end

Something something path of least resistance

1800 on the first Fire Mage was difficult, but quicker than last season. 1800 on the second Fire Mage was much faster. Now that we know when the season ends, I’m going to try and see if I can push them to 2100. And this one too. I’ll be content if I can accomplish that this season. If not, there’s always next season!

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All of those i did in SS, i dont play x2 or x3.
Got 1800 in bmhunter last season within 5 games past 1000, luck i guess, good lobbies with ppl on higher mmr than me.
Tries hunter again this season but looks like my hunter luck is no more.
Tried with resto druid, mwmonk and rshaman but i think ill never get past 1600 with healers, i also think i dont have enought patience for that, the experience healing SS is the worst possible, seriously dont know how someone can enjoy that.
Also tried with frost and arcane mages but i think im just bad with mage, couldng get past 1500.
Tried wwmonk, interesting gameplay but i didnt continued.
Rogue is unplayable in SS.
DK is a complete trash in pvp since SL.
Got 1600 with DH in some 5-6 matches past 1000, very easy but i dont think ill push to 1800, im getting very stressed with SS in general, also i can get 1600 again next season for the complete mog.
I think im getting pissed off, wow’s pvp is terrible, specially if u’re healing, maybe i should quit this game thats it.