What's a type of Rogue Mobility that you wish you had, but don't?

Wall running to some extent.



Water walking.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


i have water walking. :wink: no pot. 2 ways to do it.


We need old Maneuverability pvp talent that remove root. We dont want to use vanish or cloak to remove a 30s cd frost nova or 25s cd druid entanglement.


Infinite grappling hook! :hook: :nerd_face:


Mounted stealth. I always thought this would be fun.


I still miss burst of speed. I just wanna spam my speed


I miss sub sprint on water walking


still have it. just figure out the secret like i have.

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MoP’s Burst of Speed


In PvE this is relevant as well, anytime there is a root mechanic almost everyone can break out of, except the supposed master of evasion just gets stuck in it and cant slip out.

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I meant without using any consumables ect or legion fishing rod

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Water Walking during Sprint as well as Sprint suppressing roots and snares.


yeah. theres 2 ways to do it, not sharing tho. gl.

I dont understand why Blizzard remove it. I dont even see anyone complain sprint walking on water. Then the pvp talent remove root. Its a freaking pvp talent and Blizzard still nerf it to reduce half cd and half duration ( useless talent)They just want to find something to nerf our rogue survive ability.


Not bringing a shamam or dk as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

form changes like feral to get out of stuff and run around non stop while still having the feral leap lol

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2 items do it… :slight_smile:

burst of speed :3


ChatGPT gave me this:

In World of Warcraft, a Rogue player seeking to achieve unmounted water walking independently and without consumable items or external assistance has limited options. However, there are creative approaches available using in-game mechanics. Here are some methods:

  1. Subtlety Talent: Shadowstep
  • If a targetable creature or NPC is on or near the surface of the water, the Rogue can use Shadowstep (a Subtlety talent) to teleport to that target, effectively moving over the water. This does not grant true water walking but can allow strategic movement across water in short bursts.
  1. Engineering: Nitro Boosts
  • If the Rogue is an Engineer and has equipped Nitro Boosts (a belt enhancement), they can use the speed boost to “run” across water temporarily if moving fast enough. Timing and positioning are key, as this requires a running start on land.
  1. Glyph of Disguise (Legacy Feature, Specific to Certain Expansions)
  • If the Rogue is able to use Glyph of Disguise (legacy or through certain expansions), they might transform into a creature capable of walking on water (if such a creature is present and lootable). However, this is highly situational and depends on the expansion’s mechanics.
  1. Vanish and Quick Movement
  • Combining Sprint with Vanish might allow a Rogue to escape into stealth and quickly maneuver across small bodies of water by exploiting terrain.
  1. Rogue Movement Mechanics
  • Rogues are known for their mobility. Abilities like Sprint and clever use of terrain can help navigate over or around water without needing traditional water-walking methods.

It’s worth noting that most true water walking abilities are tied to specific spells, items, or mounts not inherently available to Rogues. If a Rogue specifically desires a continuous and reliable water-walking ability, they would need to use consumables (like Elixirs of Water Walking), special mounts (like the Azure Water Strider), or gain assistance from other classes like Shamans or Death Knights.