What's a type of Rogue Mobility that you wish you had, but don't?

Double jump.


chatgpt doesnt list my techniques. :slight_smile:

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I miss the old rogue glyph that allowed sprint to do waterwalking


I’m pretty sure rogues did in LK or mop maybe? Maybe it was just a glyph for sub?

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There appears to be a food item this expansion that allows water walking of some form.

Technically can achieve this now.

On a non-dracthyr rogue?

Bring :clap: Back :clap: Burst :clap: Of :clap: Speed


okay they nerfed 1 of my water walking tricks :expressionless:

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I miss being a Shadowlands rogue. Specifically Night Fae for that teleport.

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Pretty sure it was Venthyr that had the teleport.

A version of Shadowstep that worked more like the Venthyr teleport would be pretty slick.

Night Fae had the blink teleport.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

shadowstep not needing a target (basically mage blink)
sprinting on water


i invented teleport in vanilla… i am the reason rogues got shadowstep.

it took me ages to farm the items… but i would use hand of edward the odd for insta-spell cast… and i would use eye of command in AV. insta-hearth to base.

when in the base… i would just teleport to the flag over and over… i could teleport every 10-15 seconds… no one could lock me down.

then you could use this with hearthstone, or engineering teleports and escape any situation.

then they nerfed my tricks… and soon added shadowstep because i gave the devs the idea that rogues need a tele.

i have both of these already. they exist, just you need to be creative. :slight_smile:

i taught reckful my blink trick… thats how he went undefeated in arena…

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I can’t think of anything I need speed wise,

I do wish the PvP talent smoke bomb was in the regular talent tree though, it was really handy in dungeons.

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