Whatever happened to the High Elf Megathread? 2019

I found this on wow pedia. Its a trustable source or not?

“While it was once believed that blood elves and high elves were exactly the same biological race, separated more by cultural differences than physiological ones, it has since been determined that they are, in fact, beginning to evolve into a separate race, due largely to their consumption of mana primarily from fel sources. This reliance on fel magic causes the eyes of blood elves to glow green. This readily available source of energy also tends to give blood elves a ruddier or paler look compared to their quel’dorei cousins. A blood elf can appear like a high elf bearing odd red tattoos across his or her face and arms. However, his or her hair and skin is much paler than that of a high elf, their eyes glint with a green light, and they wear blood-red robes. These represent signs of evolution from their high elven cousins, and it is believed that, with time, they may become as physically distant to high elves as satyrs are to night elves.”

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Which wowpedia page?

And it looks like it may be rpg material, it’s certainly not currently correct.


Well honestly. I don’t know when will the Megathread or if it will. But I’m going to take a break off the forums since nothing really new is happening.

I hope you folks have a good day. Including the High Elf Fans/Pros. Take it easy.

I’m going to go finish up my Concept Art and then I’m just going to do some WoW Art and also level up some races I haven’t tried out before. I mean besides I rarely even go on the forums alot now in days. just basically Discord and etc. But sadly Discord is off…

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You want to play a High Elf? The Horde is waiting for you.


It vanished

Huh… Of course elves would consider fashion choice a sign of evolutionary divergence.

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what say u?

I said…

A hip, hop, the hippie, the hippie,
To the hip, hip, hop and you don’t stop, the rock,
To the bang, bang, boogie say up jump the boogie,
To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat!


Human male, showing basic taste - check

Head slot mimicing sunglasses, showing not taking character seriously - check

Soldier in tin plate transmog, showing no sign of improvement - check

Your opinion on allied races has been permanently de-authorized. Have a nice day.


There is no “my version” and there doesn’t need to be. The current lore is very clear:

There are currently three political groups of Thalassian elves. Blood Elves, High Elves, and Void Elves. Blood Elves are the largest group by a mile, with High Elves and Void Elves being quite small.

This isn’t an issue of the lore lacking support for Alliance High Elves. They’re already in the Alliance. We see them all over the place helping us out. There are original, pre-Blood Elf transition, Thalassian elves who work with and live with the Alliance.

The problem was never the lore, and the only people who suggest that the lore is the problem are the ones who don’t want it to happen. The problem has always been that Alliance players want access to something the lore says they have but game design isn’t implemented for.

To make it quite clear:

The lore is clear; the Alliance already has High Elves.


They’re not playable because Blizzard noticed the comparisons to basic fantasy and wanted to go away from that. You want to come back to that, then I question whether you’re a bigger fan of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings.

It’s like the whole helf community are the type of people who aren’t in on a certain joke or something, and they keep asking the meaning of the joke or pretending to know it.

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My statement isn’t really concerned with whether or not Blizzard should make them playable or not from a design standpoint. It’s about a lore standpoint.

It was a direct rebuttal against the idea that people are inventing made-up lore to support their request. The lore is there, it supports the request, this isn’t in question except to people who don’t want this to happen.

It’s tiresome watching the whole argument go back and forth, but in the end I think everyone should at least be honest about the issue. Which is why I pointed out that the lore is very much there and it’s not someone’s made up personal version.

In the end, though, I think it’s relevant to note that nothing about the lore would change if they actually became playable. They’re already there and part of the faction, in the lore and as NPC’s. They definitely didn’t move very far away from basic fantasy on that particular front unless you’re very inattentive. They did much better work by going away in other areas other than playable races.

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Dalaran holds the biggest union of High Elves not affiliated with Quel’thalas, and they serve the Kirin Tor which is neutral, so yes it would unless a new leader came out of nowhere to unite all the independent High Elves who individually went their own way as citizens of the Alliance.


Reported for more Spam.


as much as I hate the thread…

Talk here.

Ah, this argument again.

Yes, some pre-Blood Elf High Elves still exist. No one is debating that. But they’re such an infinitesimal number that they may as well not exist. CERTAINLY not enough for another playable race while still making any amount of sense.

And yes, there is YOUR version because the OFFICIAL canon is that Blood Elves are what became of the High Elves. OFFICIALLY. I’m not saying you to have to like it. I’m not even saying that it’s a good choice or well written. That doesn’t matter. I’m not here to argue that. The fact remains, no matter how much you wish it didn’t, that High Elves are Blood Elves and they are a Horde race. Nothing short of time travel will undo this. It’s time to make peace with it. The matter is closed and has been for some time. Any kind of argument or attempt at a rebuttal is fan-fiction.


2022 exp after Shadowlands

Maybe people just stopped trying to get them.

  1. How many High Elves chose not to become Blood Elves? 10%
  2. How many Void Elves were there compared to the full population of Blood Elves? Probably less than 10%
  3. There are enough High Elves to be playable based solely on the fact that there are enough Void Elves to be playable.

It’s not “my canon”, it’s just how the actual metrics work out. The Void Elves were a small group of Blood Elves who chose to pursue the void. The High Elves were 10% of the remaining population who chose not to be Blood Elves.

You’re conflating two issues into one.

“High Elves are Blood Elves” is inaccurate. It’s like saying that humans are Russian. Some humans are Russian. Some humans are Canadian.

Alternately, imagine this:

  1. Humans lose 90% of their population to a new plague.
  2. The remaining humans decide to call themselves “New Humans”.
  3. 10% of the remaining humans don’t want to abandon their name and identity, and call themselves Humans while splitting from the rest of society.

“New Humans” and “Humans” are both human. They’re the same species. Realistically though you enter the problem.

When you refer to different political groups, different cultural groups, by “species” names you completely destroy any political grouping that can occur. Blood Elves and High Elves aren’t distinct on genetic levels, we all agree. They’re distinct on social, cultural, and political levels.

Arguing about what species they are is literally irrelevant because that’s not what we’re arguing.

High Elves were nearly wiped out during the assault on the Sunwell. The small remaining group was presented with new ways to survive, and a small number of them opted out of that new lifestyle. The main group chose to name themselves “Blood Elves” as a new political moniker. Those who disagreed opted to retain the moniker “High Elf”.

Which means:

  1. Saying Blood Elves are biologically High Elves is accurate on a genetic level.
  2. Saying High Elves are biologically Blood Elves is accurate on a genetic level.
  3. Saying that Blood Elves are High Elves socially is inaccurate; they don’t agree with each other and are unique social groups.
  4. Saying that High Elves are Blood Elves socially is inaccurate; they don’t agree with each other and are unique social groups.


Every naysayer I’ve seen focuses intensely on the 10% of High Elves who chose not to become Blood elves. It focuses intensely on how small the population is (regardless of how that’s never mattered). It focuses intensely on ignoring the reasons behind the split between the two.

Ultimately it ignores all of the nuance of the lore in favor of trying to pretend that being the same species is the same as being the same race, nation, or identity.


To be clear, even in the linked videos below you, Ion isn’t completely willing to say they’re the same. He says that “blood elves are High Elves”, but then staggers when he goes to say High Elves are Blood Elves. He makes it clear that there’s just not a lot of current unique identity, and that they don’t feel unique (to the developers) enough to make that leap.

It’s interesting because it shows that even the developers are aware that High Elves aren’t really the same as Blood Elves, even though Blood Elves are definitely a kind of High Elf.

I don’t think anyone disagrees, necessarily, either. High Elves weren’t expanded. We know what they used to be, and what Blood Elves became, but there’s not a ton of development there. The argument goes, eternally, back to the statement:

“They’re not different enough because they haven’t been written differently enough, but there’s all the room in the world to do so. They’re already set up to be uniquely different entities, but they keep not exploring it.”


“They could be expanded on and included since the lore clearly indicates that the High Elves joined the Alliance and Dalaran.”

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