Whatever happened to the High Elf Megathread? 2019

Its kind of sad now in days that the High Elf Megathread or any kind of High Elf Threads don’t last forever on here.

Do any of you guys who are High Elf Fans or Supporters know when the Megathread will come back? I miss talking about High Elves with good High Elf Pros atleast in terms of the ideas for Customization Options for Void Elves to be like Alleria. I hope you guys are doing well and I would love to see the Megathread back someday.


Top right corner with the magnifying glass, you can type in “high elf” and see all of them. Most of them have been marked as spam and locked. Probably because people are tired of hearing about them or are incapable of having civil conversation on the topic.

Here, saved you the effort:



Some people love to see multiple threads open up instead of keeping the topic nice and tidy on one thread alone, so they flag it to close it over and over again.


I think they get closed because people flag them :neutral_face:, they should be back theirs lots of High Elf supporters in all forums across NA,EU, Reddit and Mmo Champ.

I love the ideas and art work people bring, from playable Quel’dorei for Alliance, Customisations for Void Elves, Speculation and All.

People put so much hard work and ideas, some artwork is mind blowing :grin:


I love elves with wooden bows, I also love Emilia not rem

NO! D:

/10 chars

I know man.

Its a Shame all of that Art and Ideas gets closed up by alot of Individuals who rejects the Iconic Identity to the Alliance Faction in terms of the High Elf Quel’dorei Fantasy in General.

Sad really.


It really is a shame :frowning:, but all I can say is only blizzard truely knows what’s planned for High Elves in the future, any new race core or allied really…

Look what they did with such an iconic race/clan the Wildhammer Dwarves, just mixed them in with Bronzebeard as a customisation option, I was so dissapointed, I’m glad more customisation are coming but they deserved their own spot, but that’s my opinion.

Was hoping Wildhammer Dwarves got the Allied Race make over like Dark Irons… poor Falstad :frowning:

They might mix Quel’dorei in with Blood Elves :man_shrugging:t4:, who knows…Blizzard for such a large reputable company seems to take the easy quick route.


I believe they are called Blood Elves.


Posting in a hmp thread.

It’s a blessing. Leave it dead.


Anti-fun people like this is why. “No, you cannot be allowed to have fun in a way I disapprove of, I want it for myself.”


Can we have a Mega thread for hybrid races?

One is stating a truth and the other is advocating for less spam, how is this “anti fun”


The current megathred is closed for another 6 hours, but it likely won’t remain open because dingbats can’t get it through their thick heads that: 1 topic=easy to ignore/avoid if you don’t want to talk about it, locking=many topics get made and that is not as easy to ignore.

What needs to happen, is instead of flagging we should just report topics as things like spam, trolling, etc. Anyone that abuses the system gets a forum vacation, stacking per infraction.

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I don’t get it. Blood Elves are High Elves so go have your fun.


Past month, we had 4 threads locked every time it was posted new. So I guess we would need to make new megathread alone again.

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If only that were the case! IF ONLY!

This spam needs to stop. Blood Elves exist. Those are your High Elves. 100%. It’s over. It’s not changing. The end. Finito. No amount of “But in my version of the lore…” is going to change this. This has to stop.


You are wrong

I smell another flood coming. Get the galoshes