What WoW token would do to TBC (BLUE POST Clarification Plz)

As the last person to get rich excuse me if I don’t take get rich quick advice from you. It is wrong.

Broke players will just buy gold.

It’s not wrong.

You just said yourself prices will go up.

If prices go up in the AH that means the players who are out farming and using their proffesions are making more gold.

This is literally what you said lmfao

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Eh, I guess I walked into that. Let me specify that I’m usually the last person to be wealthy in game from putting in way too much time grinding.

Nah, I make a lot of gold for little effort playing the auction house.

Maybe, or maybe they won’t. You seem to think that everyone can just buy gold? A lot of people may not want to spend money on that, especially in a market where it is stupid easy to make gold off the people who buy it.

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So whats your issue? 3rd party websites making money? Because your issue clearly isnt people buying gold. At least with 3rd party websites their is the determent of “maybe” being banned and losing your gold with the WoW token buying gold becomes much worse and rampant.

People are so inclined to scream for WoW token instead of asking Blizzard to properly police bots and gold buyers.

It will really be easy to make gold off of people who buy it.

They will quit. People who don’t want to buy gold will quit the game.

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I for one welcome the inclusion of our rich Nigerian princes in game.

There’s 2 different ways that games that do make as much or more than WoW do have as a solution for this.

  • Disable trading between players.
  • Allow passive income that renders RMT botting useless.

Blizzard can bypass both of these but it requires a lot more effort and a multipronged approach of making botting very ineffective RMT value and then manually killing the botting accounts in waves to introduce volatility and risk to the venture. The WoW token does the first part.

Sorry but they play games that ACTUALLY have pay to win. Games where upgrades cost many thousands of dollars and set you so far ahead of non-paying players that you’ll only be clashing with people who paid just as much.

Are you actually telling me that I will quit? As if this is some universal truth that I will realize once the token can be purchased?

Do you only operate on absolutes? You are aware that your frame of reference is not universal, right?

Lots will quit. Myself included.


Starting to sound like a selling point to me!

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That’s not how gear works in WoW.

I heard this with the boost too. See you in TBC.

But, it’s addressing the wrong problem, imo. The issues isn’t bots or RMT sellers. It’s players who a buying gold. That actually lowers the quality of the game for the rest of the people who play.

If this is their game. Then it isn’t my game.

How did you know people didn’t quit lmao

  1. Not everyone would buy it
  2. If you don’t like GDKP, then don’t pug into gdkp groups or make your own or join a guild.

This sky is falling because of GDKP because you’re ‘forced’ to buy gold is nonsense. No one is forced to buy gold. No one is forced to participate in GDKP. If prices on the AH are unreasonable, don’t buy them. When enough people don’t buy them the price goes down.

Like I said above how?

How is it making the game less fun for me?

I’m in raids slaying bosses, drinking beer with the boys and having a blast.

How does someone in another raid who is buying the carry make me have less fun?

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