What Wow Movie Would You Make

The Scenario: Bliz wants to make a new World of Warcraft Movie.

You are appointed as Writer / Director.

What elements of the Wow Story line and Lore would you incorporate into your movie.

Arthas’ story up through defeating mal’ganis for the first movie (or maybe up through the culling of stratholm?). It’s a nice fairly simple story that’s easy for audiences to follow and would feature one of the more recognizable WC characters, so at least non-fans can say “oh! I’ve seen that guy before!” while watching.

if it does well then you start expanding the cinematic universe from there, I’d do the invasion of quel’thalas from the blood elves perspective. Ending with archimond coming into azeroth

then maybe you do a human/orc movie about jaina and thrall leading their respective peoples to kalimdor

and you’d basically just keep going until you finish with the WC3 narrative.

Oh, also I’d forget all of shadowlands when writing/directing these movies because I’m not a fan of any of the new context shadowlands brought to the story.

There’s probably a reason I’m not a writer/director, this is just what I think would be good off the top of my head.


Series involving the characters in the book of mercenaries from Hearthstone.

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I’d try to put together 3-4 movies on the story of Arthas. My memory is quite hazy these days in terms of an overall narrative of what happens so I couldn’t go into detail on what each movie would entail. Since the story is essentially written, I’d hone in on the quality of actors, CGI, choreography and cinematography.

In the last movie, the final scene would be the Wrath cinematic trailer.

I would exclude all forms of the mundane (activism and propaganda) that steals and is a thief of high fantasy magic, creativity, and imagination. I would incorporate all of the high-fantasy elements!

I wouldn’t make a movie. I’d make a netflix series like every other half-decent video game adaptation has done so far.

I’d focus heavily on Arthas’ WC3 story. But rather than retell it in it’s entirety, I’d hyperfocus on a small part of it, like the initial fall of Lordaeron from the perspective of Arthas, Kel’thuzad and maybe someone like Antonidus.

Most importantly, I’d do what Arcane did and focus on telling a good story first and foremost.


That’s my server! :hugs:

Henry Cavill as Arthas
MCU team producing it, has to be beyond good.


On second thought, I’d focus the series on Kel’thuzad, from his beginnings as a curious Mage, to the Lich right-hand of Arthas that we all knew, loved and ignored his involvement in SL.

Have it cover stuff like his trek into Northrend, his exile from Dalaran, his creation of the Cult of the Damned and how Arthas and Jaina hunted him down, but from his perspective.

That’d be cool.

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Players opening their vault every week and raging hilariously…it will be a blockbuster hit. I will get a lot of sponsors from popcorn companies :+1:

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I would make a comedy about a new and old players and the salt mines of GD. Years worth of material here.
Sorry not sorry, but it would be waaaaay better than anything Arthas / gameplay related.

One joke I made when the Warcraft movie was out, is one about the skyline of Stormwind shown…

Then there would be a Night Elf woman in her skivvies dancing near a mailbox, one of the guards sighs, goes “Ugh, not again” and yells at her to leave.


Just retell the story without any deviations until around Warlords of Draenor.
Also focus more on the Horde, because I’m kinda tired of Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories just devolving into “Humans are teh bestest because…don’t ask questions like that.”.

WotLK Revenge of the Sith style… and with more Hollywood undead CGI.

An entire movie that’s just basically this :point_up_2:.

I would 100% do the whole arthas story. I can’t picture a better director than James Camoran tbh. He gets the world building.

WoW movie?

I’d scrap it make a Warhammer movie.

Lets do Sigmar at Black Fire Pass. Or Nagash. Nagash would be terrifying to see on screen.

First movie.
The politics of Lordaeron. Start of the 2nd war.

Arthas being slotted for paladin training.

2nd movie. The conclusion of the 2nd war, and the story of thrall.

3rd movie, Arthas falling into madness fighting Mal’Ganis.

4th movie Arthas reborn as a death knight and his rise to power.

All I know is if Scar Jo isn’t sylvanas I won’t go see it.

Oh and that Witcher guy for Arthas.

Hotel Denathrius, a summer feel good film about Denathrius and him trying to defeat the council of blood in a dance off.

No no no i dont want another WoW movie whdre they cram years of story into a 2h movje, i want a amazon or netflix series, that way they can do the stories right