What Wow Movie Would You Make

Not a movie. An animated series. Think of Avatar the Last Air Bender art style.

This Animated series would be in 4 stories. Menethil, Proudmoore, Light Bringer, Windrunner.

We would follow each character from their perspective. And as their story progresses we would shift into the final part of the stories where we ultimately end after the redemption of Anduin.

Starting from their birth up to Anduins redemption in the shadowlands. Kind of like seeing through the character’s eyes. This would either be a really long season 1 or 3 seasons. There’s a lot to unpack for each character. Would try to have episodes dedicated to each character. That would feel weird though.

Just spitballing

I think the book ‘the last guardian’ would be my inspiration, and I would use the visions khadgar saw to briefly explain past events/ how Medivh came to be. That book was so amazing and would be a great movie.

Something with Illidan and Malfurion. Maybe when he tries to make a new well at Hyjal? I dont remember the lore all to well, but seeing Malfurion and Illy would be awesome as a cinematic.