What would you rate shadowlands on a scale of 1/10? MOST PEOPLE THINK ITS POOP!

I’m gonna give it a 3/10 as well. Ardenweald is beautiful, there are some really awesome new weapon and armor models for transmog, and…

There has to be at least one other good thing about it, but for the life of me I can’t come up with anything.

Oh, I’ve got it. It’s ending soon, and everybody will finally be able to forget that it ever happened.


6.5 out of 10. Could easily have been an 8 if they’d not gotten so lazy finishing the stories they began.

Sorry, but I feel it was so bad that I will not dignify it with a rating.

It was so bad that I sincerely hope the next expansion will make up for my disappointment. The bar was set so low that even a marginally better game will be satisfactory.


If I include how badly SL irreparably mutilated the very soul of the game’s story, then of course it gets a perfect Zero.

If I omit the above details and look at everything except the story disaster, then I’ll rate SL a solid Two. That’s a very solid Two, as in number Two… yes, that kind of number Two.

If you look up Mr. Hankey photos, all you’ll see are pics of SL.



u hear that blizzard?

you have LET US DOWN

you FAILED!!!

you gave us a POOP NUGGET FOR AN XPAC!!!

:poop: :clown_face:



Story was trash beyond words, your end game loop was M+ nightmare, Raiding for scraps of gear, or sweating in PvP. Prof were dead as a door nail, choreghast was a flop. Need i go on?


It started as a 5 for me and ended on an 8.

The story…oof

:ocean: :dragon: :volcano: :ocean: :dragon: :volcano:

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i give it a 6/10.

it lost 2 points because of the story.
it lost 2 points again because of the borrowed power and basically having to change constantly to min/max for each different dungeon and situation.

everything else was wow. good.

putting a rating requirement on pvp gear was WITHOUT A DOUBT… THE DUMBEST EFFING THING BLIZZ EVER DID!!!

:clown_face: :poop: :clown_face: :poop: :clown_face: :poop:


An 8.

Zovaal was cringe, and 9.1 was cringe, and time-gated CC was cringe, but otherwise I thought the expansion was great. All four leveling zones were fun, I liked the Maw, Torghast was fun once they fixed it, Denathrius was a fun villain, class gameplay was fun, the dungeons were mostly all solid, S3 and S4 have been a total blast, S1 M+ itemization was really solid after Valor upgrades were introduced, etc.

Not perfect, but really really good. The longest I’ve stayed subbed to WoW… but I can’t give it a 9 or 10 because Zovaal/Sylvanas were so bad that it basically killed my interest in the “World of Warcraft on-going narrative” and also because of some of the pitfalls.

That said, WoW has never risen above an 9 at any point (every expansion in this game’s history has had some sort of glaring flaw one way or another) so an 8 is still PRETTY good.

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It’s so good I only stayed subbed for 3 months.


didnt even do like BFA and give us a new race or two.
I didnt like BFA, but at least there was something I could take from it…DI dwarves, Zandalari and Vulpera.
What did I get from SL’s other than a headache?
Nothing I’ll remember in a year.


6/10? 6.5/10? Fun enough to log in a bit just about every day, but won’t look back on too fondly.

If I were to judge the expansion on the things I liked and ignore the things I didn’t, I would rate it 9/10. To keep it short, the gameplay was a blast; the main story was trash. But story doesn’t make a game. I played this expansion a ton, and it was because of how it played.

Retribution Paladin PvP was so much fun. I played all four Covenants and each one felt unique because of the abilities. The depth of customization was very interesting to me.

The Covenants had a lot of content for solo play. The campaigns, cosmetics and achievements were varied enough to do them all.

Shadowlands had a lot of content. The time gating was unfortunate. Blizzard should have advertised things like Veilstrider earlier. I played WoD all the way through and it had maybe 10% of the content that SL has for solo play.

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not if ur the one fighting it. UWU XD

god i still remember those clips of mes one shotting entire teams in RATED BGs

I would rate Shadow Lands better than any other MMO on the market…so take that how you will. Not to say SLs was great by any measure. In fact, I actively tried to find replacement MMOs multiple times due to all the bad design decisions. But in the end, I am still here.

So, let’s go with 5/10.

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Ardenweald and revendreth are beautiful. 5/10 just because of those two zones.

Otherwise, this is my least favorite xpac. I enjoyed wod and Bfa more at this point.

First raid was cool the rest meh. The storyline - hahahahaha. I dislike every single dungeon… I’ll stop here.



Way better than WOD and TBC

same man

BFA is like gold compared to this SHADOWLANDS S**T NUGGET :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:


Based on the first half that I played - I would say 6/10.

Definitely loved some aesthetics. Some music was really good. Some nice content ideas, which unfortunately got tainted by application of them, like making Torghast a mandatory chore.

The story wasn’t the best. I’m not a fan of one upping the previous lore by adding a new uber villain of all villains who “was behind it all this time”. Silvanas redemption wasn’t a redemption per se, but rather just a heavy-handed return of her better half. The only interesting character development was in Anduin who was teased to have seeds of doubt and darkness in him at the end.

Casual gear progression was meh, a lot of grindly solo questing; I much preferred how the queued group content gave the best casual gear in previous expansions, which I could play on more group-oriented specs. Moreso, if you were open to low m+ you could gear up much faster with the same effort.

PvP accessibility somehow turned out to be the worst in the last three expansions, despite the return of the vendors. Add to that a lot of chores to prepare a fresh alt, it was just a lot of work to have fun in random BGs.

Alt-friendliness in general was not good. Definitely a more of a one-character expansion for me.

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