What Would You Play If You Could Play Anything in Lore?

Any Race, any Class available in Warcraft Lore.

I would play a Succubus Warlock :smiley:


I would play a gnome druid :slight_smile:


I would play a Grummel. With a Luckydoo spec.


A Satyr Druid or a Naga Shaman.

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Hunter because I want an entire pack of wolf pets.

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Annihilan deathknight

No one will lose track of the tank ever again


Necromancer–(I don’t mean unholy Death Knight)


I already play rogue dwarf, but the other three combinations out of reach:

  1. Corrupted Arakkoa Shadow Priest
  2. Mok’nathal Survival Hunter
  3. Seth’rak druid (a snake that can turn into a different snake)
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Tuskarr Druid. Cellulite issues? Hypothermia be damned.

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Goblin warrior.
Siege engineer hero talents.

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Nerubian, anything. Probably a rogue.

Or a Centaur Shaman.

Naga Druid, for those crazy oceanic forms.

Nerubian Rogue. Arachnophobia Time.

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Class? What class?
Titans need no stinkin’ class!

(realizes that means everything else is tiny)

Well, time to scratch-build myself a Lich King mini!

Sylvanas had some cool abilities.

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I’d be a hydromancer or tidesage. Controlling the water and the effects it has is my absolute favorite theme in wow but we only have frost mage and resto shaman as our closest thing to it.

Draenei Demon Hunter or Night Elf Warden.

A tinker class. They are everywhere in the game and lore. Tank/rdps/heal.


Dryad hunter.

I want a Steam Warrior. Race doesn’t matter to me in this case, as long as I get to mow down things in a mech.

Hozen paladin. Not a paladin in the normal senses, more akin to blood knights before the well was purified. Captured some light-infused creature, torturing it until it gives you its power.