What Would You Have Done After Winning The Second War?

Well, the timeline diverges because it is different in general. Alternate universes are like that because they are different. Garrosh was never born in this one, for example. I think Grom’s wife died differently as well?

That said, Farahlon was suppose to be what became Netherstorm, per AU garrison mission. Whereas Gorgrond is what becomes Blade’s Edge Mountains.

Which isnt what Ive been saying at all, the Horde was prepared to invade Azeroth, the Alliance wasnt prepared for an alien invasion. Like I said the Horde was a group of warriors pulled from every corner of a planet against a single country, and then a continent.

The first attempt on Stormwind failed miserably because of poor organization (wasting some troops) and knights. Blackhand comes in courtesy of Gul’dan and things turn around. By the time Doomhammer takes over he is plagued by logistical concerns, all his warlocks are dead but one, each step he takes lengthens his supply line and access to fresh troops to replenish heavy losses, etc. Even so they still had dragons which were a huge advantage.

As for AU, it couldve diverged in a number of ways, literally infinite possibilities. Like the red pox, Blackhands daughter, the Bonechewers, etc.

The Alliance barely did it and was at a breaking point when it did managed to beat the Horde. It did not have the strength to baby sit and try to release the Horde back to Draenor. And even if they did, it would be tantamount to a death sentence anyway and people would argue the Alliance released them back to a dying world to well, die.

I would say “peaceful” is stretching it(especially considering all the other lore added since that blurb from the Chronicles book). They were peaceful if you left them alone, but the moment they wanted something, they took it by force.

Tbqh it doesn’t matter what you say. God says differently.

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Chronicles contradicts your lore. Chronicles is the indepth lore, that blurb barely gets to the surface of what makes the orcs tick.

It does not. And furthermore, the website was updated more recently than any Chronicle was produced.

Except certain clans, ehem Warsong and Bleeding hollow, ended gain a taste for battle. Fighting because you have to is one thing, the orcs ended up provoking the gorians as well.

The orcs were invading Ashenvale long before Garrosh came into the scene.

Shocker, you can actually build and develop when you don’t have to constantly fight the Horde.

Every lore mentioned so far as said Draenor was dying, it could NOT sustain the orcs, hence why they invaded.

That does not seem like self defense to me! Initially it might have, but it turned into something brutal.

And we know for a fact that those ogres are the reason for those conflicts, not the orcs.

Fighting for defense doesn’t mean you aren’t peaceful. Infact, it sort of means you’re peaceful.

No it doesn’t. That’s still a current issue. Garrosh stained the orcs by being an evil, terrible warchief. The orcs have to get out from under that.

It factually was not.

From vanilla, through every expansion, until now Word of God has always stated that Orcs were a peaceful species before Kil’Jaeden showed up.

Just admit it. You’re wrong.

The Alliance slaved most orcs, a very low percent of them manage to escape from that destiny.

But they had the strength to build slaves camps, put them in there, build Nethergarde Keep (that cost a lot of gold according to Beyond the Dark Portal).

That just have no sense. Draenor was a shattered planet, not a giant rat trap.

Based on the Ogres and Overgrowth nearly destroying the world. Disingenuous to phrase that as ‘the moment they wanted something.’ Let alone making a race not peaceful to act in self-defense.

Except those that did escape were probably the most dangerous, Dragonmaw given time could have actually build an unstoppable dragon armada against the Alliance. Hell, they could have rallied the rest of the Horde in time.

But they weren’t.

So far it seems like Draenor was just one continent. Hell, apperently the Gorian capital was just Shattrath.

So you think one clan out of thirteenth seems like a good representation when fighting escalates to maintain a presence? And you’re saying you’re not being disingenuous like usual. Is Alterac a good representation that all humans are traitorous? Ogres were enslaving them, Zerde.

Well, at this point i can see that you are just trolling. Or you are a very extremely Alliance fanboy. Have a nice a day.

I’d say Alterac’s actions is representative of humanity, in that humans CAN betray, not necessarily that they will betray a person. Denying the potential darkness in the Alliance does the Alliance no good.

Similarly the Horde has shown numerous times they are hyper aggressive and they need to temper that hyper aggression. Hell, even Durotan Lord’s of war video mentions how the orcs can fall prey to their savage nature. Personally, until the Horde actually reforms their war like culture, I think we are just a few expansions away from another Battle for Azeroth.

I’ve been called worse, if that is all you got, buddy I think you lost the arguement.

In which case Orcs aren’t war-like, they just CAN go to war. Not that they will.

You say similarly, then describe something different.

I’m not even sure you think that.

You right the Horde may not necessarily go to war. But so far the orcs(and the Horde) have chosen to go to war whenever it is convenient for them. Maybe the pre-Horde orcs wouldn’t have been as war-like, but the current Horde/orcs are not the pre-Horde orcs and they seem to constantly glorify the Old Horde as oppose to their pre-corrupted ancestors.

As shown by that clip the orcs clearly have latent animalistic bloodlust in them. The demon blood may have hightened it, but it was always a part of their nature.

Oh I do. As far as I’m concern if the only thing anyone else has to say is how I fanboy over the Alliance(while ignoring their own bias/prejudice) then I’d say their argument was pretty shallow.

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I would lose the argument if you continue it with basic common sense, but you said:

That is not continuing an argument, that is just drop any common sense out of the conversation and put the biggest headcanon i ever see into any discussion, in a desperate attempt to win the argument.
I could keep destroying your weak logic (if there are some logic at all) but i have beter things to do. Take care.

The argument is you think it is practical to simply send an entire city’s worth of prisoners(prisoners who if they escape or were freed would joined their brethern in fighting the Alliance) when the Alliance at the time they were forced to destroy the Dark Portal was at its limit. You question my common sense?

Also, as for the dragonmaw thing, it is more an argument against the idea the Horde should have simply been freed/given their own land. As it was it would be safer for the Alliance to keep them imprisoned as oppose to letting them loose and reforming/regroup to strike at the rest of the Alliance.