What Would You Have Done After Winning The Second War?

Community service. Eventual rehabilitation, and a lot of therapy.

Exterminated them.


You can talk about what they were “meant” to be, but what they were was slave camps. I mean, the person running them even named an Orc “slave”. And the Alliance did nothing. Whether they approved, or just didn’t care, doesn’t really matter.

What could have been done is to help them rebuild their shamanic society that let them live in peace with the Draenei for hundreds of years.

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To be quite fair, I doubt the Alliance would have had any idea on where to even start for something like that. You’re talking about a culture that was basically abandoned for the Fel, and then slowly brought back overtime on their own accord.

In addition to that, the Alliance was primarily Lightbased. Maybe, and only maybe, the Wildhammer would have enough insight to Shamanistic practices to recognize it among the Orcs, however I’d wager they were apart of the “kill them all” crowed along with Gilneas and Quel’thalas and could honestly careless.

Remember, the Alliance just prevented the Orcs from wiping out all life on the Eastern Kingdoms. The fact that rehabilitation was even on the table at all, and the fact that it was even attempted is a miracle in itself.

Asking them to guide them back to their shamanistic ways is incredibly idealistic at best, and a silly, hopeless endeavor at worst.

However, you are right that in the end, they were used (under Blackmoore at the very least) as Slave Labor.


Due to their lethargy, there were many Orcs who barely had the will to feed themselves. Dumping them in a strange land and leaving them to their own devices would have been a death sentence.

Let the ones that weren’t lethargic take care of the ones that were.

I personally would have put my win in my tinder bio and went to the beach while other people who aren’t having fun in the sun deal with the whole Orc thing

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If all that came through were warriors, killing them all might be an option.

But entire families came through. Babies came through or were born on Azeroth shortly thereafter. Killing them all was not an option unless you are a monster.


I don’t think they knew of Kalimdor, though assumedly the High Elves probably knew it still existed. But they definitely knew about Northrend, they had settlements there.


The reason they destroyed the portal was to cut off the Horde’s reinforcements, if they had waited any longer their defeat would be assured, regardless of Guldans betrayal. Remember, the second war was a planet filled with orcs against one continent of Azeroth.

The Orcs also only came from one continent though…

I would have just sent them through the Dark Portal and stationed blockades and Troops there to ensure nothing came out of it again. If not the Dark Portal I would have just sent them to some other land. The Orcs were invaders from another world. From WC1-WC2 they were evil people that got retconned later.

The Alliance had no reason to trust the Orcs.

The issue with this is, assuming they got over their Lethargy, the Orcs would probably come back in stronger numbers to try again. That’s an assumption you have to make. Letting the Orcs go or shoving them off to some island or Kalimdor, where they can rebuild their strength and launch another strike later, would be an extremely bad idea.

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Blind fold them before they get on the ship :rofl:

The reason they destroyed the portal is because they had no real idea what was on the other side. And after have brutal the battle was to capture it, they didn’t want to risk going through.

Oh for the love of the elements, Terenas wanted to REFORM the orcs so that someday they would end up as allies of the Alliance! Even all the way to Warcraft 3 there were orcs bands still attacking the Alliance! Simply releasing them would have ended with them trying to ally with these rogue orc band and become a new threat!

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Putting them in camps was probably the most humane thing the Alliance could have done under the circumstances.

They couldn’t just let them go after all they’ve done, that would send entirely the wrong message and only guarantee they’d try again given the chance. Practically, they should have just exterminated the lot of them and saved themselves a lot of trouble in the long term.

‘But if the Alliance destroyed all the Orcs the real Horde would never have formed and not been able to help save the world against threats the Alliance couldn’t handle alone!’

How do we know that though? Sparing the Orcs was what largely contributed to the Alliance of Lordaeron losing the support of Gilneas and Silvermoon and caused them to stagnate from the taxation burden of keeping the camps operational.

Without the Orcs to worry about, the Alliance might have expanded militarily and eventually sailed towards Kalimdor to find both the Tauren and the Night Elves. Heck, the Tauren identify more readily with the Alliance than they do the Horde already given their longstanding friendship with the Night Elves so it’s very likely they’d join with them against the Legion when it returned.

And without Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan butchering Cenarius and many Alliance/Horde after being jumped up on Mannoroth blood, I’d say the world would have been in a much stronger position to fight the Legion without the Orc’s interference.

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You can send explorers before rushing over that decision.
First you set sieges machines or explosives needed close to the portal, if the worst scenario will come true you detroy the portal inmediataly.
Second, you send the explorers and put a simple military outpost with a guard tower or even more, gryphon riders watching the zone, to know if orcs are coming. If orcs are coming cross the portal inmediatly and give the order to destroy it.
Third, explorers tell you that orcs are not a threat right now, so bring the orcs slaves and make them cross the portal. If explorers tell you the orcs are coming and there is no time to make the slaves to cross the portal, then destroy it. And just in that scenary you should keep the orcs as slaves.

You are talking about the battered remains of the Alliance here who barely won an 11th Hour victory! As it was it was a desperate struggle to destroy the portal. Let alone try and enter it!

Not to mention I doubt the Alliance would have been able to simply transport all the orcs they capture ACROSS TWO Continent fast enough before the Horde on the Dark Portal Side could regroup! And at the time the Alliance didnt know how powerful the Horde on the Dark Portal side was, it was not gonna risk an expedition so more of its people could die!

Hell, the screaming match alone from the monarchs of the Alliance would have been enough to break the Alliance permanently!

Executing the Orcs would have solved a lot of problems, what with Gilneas and Silvermoon being less likely to nope out of the Alliance, and then the resources put towards interning the orcs could have been put towards rebuilding, which would make the appeal of the Cult of the Damned diminish, and then instead of being distracting by the orcs trying to build a new home, full focus could have been put to containing the plague. This all really boils down to improve the situation that Silvermoon never falls and the Legion invasion falls flat on its face before starting, since Kel’thuzad wouldn’t be there to summon Archimonde.

Assuming were still working on a timeline where booting them back to Draenor, and Terenas would still veto killing them whole sale.

Step 1
Find an island dungeon like Tol Dagor, and fortify it before shipping off all prominent Orcs leaders like Doomhammer and Surfang to that dungeon to spend the rest of their days locked up in isolation and tortured. Use the rumor of this place to help control the orcs through a propaganda campaign of even your mightiest have broken, and then send instigators from the captive population away to the dungeon to disappear forever as well.

Step 2
Find an available wide plot of land such as Arathi where you could watch over them better or on either the east or west coast of Northrend if you want the distance encase things go bad. Ship the orcs off to this land where you will be building the Orc vassal state and set them up in smaller work camps based on harvesting natural resources of the region and farming.

Step 3
The work camps are run by a Council of a Kirin Tor Member, a Silver Hand Member, and a Noble Appointed by Ternas. Along with this the Silver Hand as a whole is charged with being the Wardens of this land, so they have a reason to keep expanding their ranks and since their best suited to control the orcs.

Step 4
While the orcs are working away harvesting resources you send missionaries from the Church of the Holy Light to teach the orcs to become more properly civilized and embrace the Holy Light’s teachings, even if they can’t wield it themselves.

Step 5
Half the resources from the work camps go to helping rebuild the Eastern Kingdoms, while the other half are used to develop the land into a proper kingdom. This helps offset the costs of rehabilitating the orcs and make people see orcs as having positive value.

Step 6
As the kingdom is developed you take the most cooperative orcs who are embracing the Light and give them more freedoms and help them develop trade skills. This allows positive reinforcement that the Light and civilized way is good for the orcs.

Step 7
You work on gradually transitioning the orc population from labor camps into their own villages with Alliance, still maintaining government positions for a generation or two. Depending on how well the orcs take to it at worst the labor camps die out when the old generation of orcs die off and the new “humanized” generation takes over.