What Would You Do In Turalyon's Place?

When Xe’ra imprisoned Alleria for Void-mingling.

Would you side with your wife or your holy figure?

wife > religious figure



So that’s one point for team wife and one point for team… Gandalf lol


There’s not a simple answer.

Most people would side with their wife, no question. But Turalyon is quite possibly the greatest paladin who ever existed. As such, he truly believes in the Light and has always been a shining example for everyone who has come across him. The man is damn near considered a legend on Azeroth, and Xe’ra is supposed to be the actual living embodiment of the Light.

So here is a man in conflict: Do you side with the woman you love who purposely uses the Void (the exact opposite of what he believes in) or the living embodiment of what you truly believe in.

That being said, from my perspective, there are times I did not like the way Blizzard handled Xe’ra, the so-called living embodiment of the Light, in handling certain things that is supposed to go against the teachings of the Light, ex: trying to force Illidan to accept his destiny. That didn’t sit well with me at all.

Hard decision either way.

You know damn well Humans will do anything for their thirstiness.

Religion ain’t got nothing on that.


I’d probably get jumped cuz I’d be in stormwind


This is exactly why Turalyon is on pathetic status for me… Very low tier to let them do that to his wife. Tirion or Uther would never.


Yes, but history has shown humans will do anything for their god…some rather heinous things at that

Uther abandoned Arthas when Arthas need his guidance at the most crucial moment. And Uther literally stripped Tirion of his abilities instead of siding with him.

Uther’s track record isn’t stellar.

Such an amazing paladin technique, literally just remove the light from someone

And then never used or mentioned it again

According to lore, the ability to wield the Light is directly related to one’s belief in their own ability to wield the Light.

So removing the Light from someone else is actually pretty simple and anyone can do it.

Just convince them they are unworthy lol

Nah dude, he flat out waved his hand and the light literally swooped out of Tirion

Some amazing paladin powers

I’d burn all his furniture and replace it with something more my style.

To be fair, I’m pretty sure Turalyon had become senile at some point during his 1,000 years of consciousness. Who knows what that does to a human brain. Guy probably thinks he’s playing cops and robbers.

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It’s very apt I feel. It’s not just the Fel and Shadow that are trying to spread their domain and gain more power and followers.

I feel like the Army of the Light had to be militant when dealing with the Legion, especially Xe’ra as she was their leader. Maybe not to the extent like how the Scarlet Crusade evangelizes, and even so I don’t fully see them as the bad guys. They’re just scared people who logically have good reason to fear all undead…and more recently Worgen.

A side most people either don’t remember or don’t care about.

Turalyon was conflicted when Xe’ra came to arrest Alleria, and he told her to get out of there because he knew Xe’ra would not be pleased, and it was obvious he didn’t want to fight his wife or Xe’ra.

Personally speaking, had Alleria not surrendered on her own, and made it clear to Turalyon that she would have been fine and instead decided to fight her way out, she’d likely have a very pissed off paladin with her.

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The governing order, if my wife has been caught committing a crime and has been told to stop. She continues. That’s on her. I would council mercy and beg for it, but I would cede to the authority of the Light if I was Turalyon. Especially knowing his character.

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Looks at poster’s name
Sounds about right.


Because Arthas murdered thousands of people, I think that needs to be said.

But more importantly, Uther owned up that he was cutting Arthas loose, he didn’t throw him in jail and then go back a week later like “oh yeah, you’re still my bestie, even though I clearly don’t trust or respect you”.

Like, it’s one thing to think “you know, maybe the wind chime is right and Alleria’s done a bad” and get her out of your life. But it’s quite another to say “nah, I’m still her husband, I’m just not going to support her in any way or try to help”.