What Would You Do In Turalyon's Place?

You sir win the discussion

Arthas’ mind was being manipulated from jumpstreet, so it’s not fair to place total blame on him. And Uther didn’t give ANY solutions to the problem, none whatsoever. He just heard what Arthas said and completely abandoned him (as well as abandoned Tirion).

Like I said, Uther’s record isn’t exactly stellar itself.

If he even had the choice as Xe’ra may of forced her will upon him to keep him under control when she did that. Once you’re forged in the light they can do that…your free will belongs to them at the end of the day, unless you think Yrel was always a crazed woman like she became after we left Draenor. If the light can turn Yrel into a evil person they can keep Turalyon sitting and staying like a good boy while his wife rots in a prison cell

I still stand with Tirion// Tirion litterally said bros before hoes and ditched the light to keep etrig alive

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Wife, only man who could make me change my mind is a mindflayer or the emperor of mankind