What Would You Consider the Last ‘Good’ Expansion?

I’ve had fun with each of the expansions (except WoD, which I didn’t play any of until the last couple weeks before Legion), but TBC was the last time I was really into the game.

Name checks out.


Mists of Pandaria was the last time I was really all-in on an expansion. Legion ended up being pretty good though.

so far, i have liked all of them for different reasons, but my preference is tbc and vanilla in that order. i did enjoy legion and mop, though, just not as much as the classic era wow. was not a fan of wotlk, but thats because it was so dark and foreboding, not because of anything mechanical. i honestly despised most of cata except thralls wedding, the quest chain where you help aggra rescue thrall and put him back together, and the uniqueness of vash’jr. i actually liked wod. but then i had adapted to the single player lobby style the game was becoming

Vanilla = amazing nothing like it. Can play forever if horizontal progression was created without Two to five years.
TBC = it was good (around the end became meh) can play two years
WoTLK = was good (QoL started making it meh) can play a year to two years.
Cata= ok (dungeons were good started destroying rpg elements with QoL) ok to play a few months.
MoP= stopped playing
WoD= never touch it
Legion= promises that fail short. (Things started becoming meaningless) good to play a few months.
BFA= ok if you like action mmo (everything is almost meaningless) good to play for a month or two.


WotLK, because of the lore, but it is also the one that caused me to fall out with WoW because of the QoL changes making community disappear.


BfA is a good expansion in my opinion, but I think Legion was damn near perfect. Before that, I would say MoP was pretty good, Cata had some problems but as a whole I liked it, Wrath was great, and BC was decent.


Wrath was my pinnacle, how that’s also when I started playing so this doesn’t mean much.

Mists of Pandaria for me is the last “good” expansion.

Legion was OK, but it was also the expansion that introduced the systems that BFA is currently using, so I’m meh on it.


panda’s was the last one i enjoyed and actually raided/played for real


i like this format, so gonna do my own version:

Vanilla = cute, funny, scary, adventurous, difficult at times.

TBC = loved this. could spend many years just re-rolling tbc characters. best raid ever made: karazhan

WoTLK = too dark and at times, disturbing. but, has second best raid : uldaur.

Cata= talent changes were depressing. healing dungeons initially was very unfriendly.

MoP= fun except the dungeons which were boring. has third best raid: throne of thunder.

WoD= enjoyed it. stopped running randoms though and just worked on the garrison and ship docks.

Legion= enjoyed most of legion. didn’t raid or run randoms though. liked the allied races concept.

BFA= looks good but havent run randoms/raided or even done anything more than a few quest chains.


Vanilla had catchup mechanics …

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I feel the same way. Ill add that I really enjoyed the Val Sharah story leading up to the emerald nite mare raid. It felt especially epic as a druid.

Suramar was, although annoyingly time gated at times, overall pretty epic as well.

I really enjoyed mythic dungeons in legion because they felt like a return to how wow used to be. Get a group together with the same goals in mind, then go to the instance and rock it.

Legion was definitely not on the same caliber as the classic wow era (vanilla - TBC - pre3.3 wrath) but I think that if it had followed wrath it would be considered a much better expansion than it got credit for. Warlords just tarnished warcraft so badly, possibly irreversibly.

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Vanilla = An amazing MMORPG. The RPG elements in this game are top notch and I can’t wait to play again.

TBC = This was a good xpac. The raids were lots of fun, and the questing was a blast.

WoTLK = What great story. Dalran was beautiful. Facing Arthas was epic. I could have done without the tournament jousting, but overall it was a great xpac.

Cata= This was the most disappointing to me. While I liked the wargen and goblins, flying through the quest zones made them feel small. This also shrunk the world by adding multiple portals in the main cities.

MoP= MOP was entertaining and provided a nice change of pace. I liked the MOP style and feel and really enjoyed the xpac.

WoD= WoD was fantastic. The raids here were great. I actually really liked building a garrison.

Legion= This was pretty ‘meh’ for me. After facing all the daemons in WoD, I had a hard time bringing myself to face them again. I could not get myself into raiding for this xpac.

BFA= BFA is beautiful. Kul Tiras is beautiful. Boralus is a fantastic city, filled with all kinds of areas where you might get mugged and killed. I really like that not every human looks like a pro wrester.

MoP. last time classes actually had identity, somewhat balance, and fluid play.


Just in case it hasn’t been said enough, was WotLK. Cata was meh at best but it is way better than what we have now. When MoP came out WoW became something I would only ever play if EVERY other game sucked and I would play it for like 2 days and then quit again.

Vanilla through WOTLK, WoW was basically my one and only game. Cata it became 50/50. MoP it died.

Wrath for sure.

Cataclysm started off horrible from launch. Instead of having some interactive event rollout for players it was literally log off Monday night and login Tuesday and “oh wow the entire world has been messed up”.

The raids were alright though but nothing about questing was exciting and the dungeons were brutal.

To be fair, there were pre-launch events, they just sucked.

I don’t think any of the “expansions” were good due to the fact that they didn’t expand anything. They effectively reduced the size of the world to whatever the new expansion area was, and nullified all of the previous content. To answer your question, I think the last good version of wow was vanilla.


In bc you were not able to get fully kitted out in badge gear until the very end. Wrath was when they turned it into a full on catch up every raid tier.

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For me it was Cata I loved balance druid I liked the dungeons prenerf I liked raiding till they launched Dragon Soul and LFR.

TBH what made me quit the game till Legion was MoP I hated the talent changes I played 10 min of beta and left the game didn’t look back. I kinda wish I still stayed unsubbed for legion and bfa they have not improved the game in any way only made it worse.