What would make you quit WoW

not bringing back titanforged loot for 10.0 would make me quit for an hour i guess but id still have random bgs afterwards

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Does quitting entail not purchasing anymore retail expansions? If so, that’s the route I am currently on. I’ll pay for my sub to play classic. That’s it.

Want me to purchase retail expansions? Put MoP and WoD PvP gear/vendors back in retail expansions.

That is simple, when I stop having fun.

I don’t have a specific threshold other than just going straight up blatant P2W. If it doesn’t go that route, I’ll probably always at least grab the cheapest version of each expansion, because it’s pretty much a guaranteed 1-2 months of gameplay for me. I’d love to be able to play indefinitely and still have fun like I used to, but I think I’m pretty much beyond that regardless of what Blizzard puts out at this point.

As far as actual game design goes, they’d have to screw up REALLY bad for me to straight up skip on checking out a new expansion. Like, totally flip what the game is into something unrecognizable. And that’s not going to happen.

This, and if it was made entirely PvP.

To be fair, for those issues, Wowhead is your friend. I’ve found that a great many players won’t bother to answer a question in zone chat, but if you call out a rare, suddenly you’ve got quite a bit of company.

Class design getting worse / more stale than it is.
Absolute dog**** raids

I wrote a big long answer but maybe more simple:

What would you still do in-game, even if it rewarded nothing? my lack of a good answer is why I quit.

That’s a thoughtful question. I think what would make me vote with my wallet/feet, would be a combination of a few things. If there’s another half-assed attempt at an expansion. If there is an increase in subscription fees without a value proposition. If the game becomes too “sterile”, as in modification and removal of content that “triggers” overly sensitive and thin-skinned players. Any combination of the above, and that would push me over the edge, and end my time in the WoW ecosystem.

As an aside, I couldn’t say that I’d quit if all my WoW friends left, because they are already gone. I suppose I’m a glutton for punishment, but I still get a kick out of the game now and again.

Quit? Hrmmm. Maybe if Bliz went completely out of business and the judge refused to release the server and client code into open source, maybe then.

10.0 legion mythic still needing mythic level gear from the new 10.0 to run decent.

A that point its be like okay, this is jsut too much.

Inb4 I cleared it. I am thinking shadow priest. Not fotm known good solo workers. OR classes with sustain and/or uber burst.

Not 10/10 mythic SOD level as well. To some the fun of old legacy is taking play around alts here for giggles. They are maybe 210 since its an alt. alt number 8. A fun char. Nothing about rep/research to unlock 233 8 times is fun to some if not many people.

Also…233 gear doesn’t work so well in mythic legion so why bother lol.

Presently, the last update have killed a lot of Mac Battlenet and mine can’t be installed or repaired. I’m waiting for a fix or an answer in tech support.

But anyway, i played two hours daily and i’m enjoying the free time for other games now. This break make me think about how WoW grinding is currently so unrewarding on loot, content, discoveries, exploration, old contents and new concepts (Shadowlands have none). It’s like going out of a toxic relationship with someone who promished he’s listening now, that everything will be better if i stay longer… and still do so little while having the nerves for asking me money every month.

I’m just missing the friendly guild, that’s all.

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Yes. They were good tips, but I gave up on the warlock. It’s just wasn’t fun anymore. It’s too tightly tuned to be anymore than a drag. I appreciated the advice though!

WoW made me quit WoW. It had nothing to do with politics, or the lawsuits, or anything like that.

The simple fact is that the game isn’t fun for me anymore. The story isn’t engaging. The world isn’t immersive. There’s really no incentive to progress through the content because there’s no payoff anywhere to be found.



That said, back in vanilla I quit because I was MAD AT RP!!! Then I got my head out of my backside. Then I came back anyways. So, pretty much nothing would get me to leave. Sure, there are some things, but yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, but.

If I got a job where I couldn’t play at work.


If they ever shut it all down. That, or if my lone/solo/chill playstyle ever gets squashed.


This is honestly what did it for me, more or less. BfA was quittable, but I still had hope for Shadowlands. Once Shadowlands came out and bored me to death by the time I hit level 56, I knew it was over. I hung on for another year just RPing and doing transmog runs, but a week or two ago I finally realized I was paying a sub fee for a game I don’t even play.

Fortunately, FFXIV has a vibrant RP community and lots of great transmog/glamour options.


I’m already at the point that i haven’t even bothered logging in to the game since the halloween event. I’ve got sub time paid up for months yet i have zero motivation to play the game in my free time cause the current xpac in my humble opinion is hot garbage. That after a lackluster but ok xpac that was BfA that road on the coattails of Legion doesn’t give me much hope that they’re going to turn out a quality expansion any time soon. I keep getting on the forums ever so often just to see if anything changes, so far all i’ve seen is the creation of the CC, an echo chamber. If it amounts to anything other than that i’ll be pleasantly surprised. Here’s to hoping blizzard has decided to stop ignoring their player base. :clinking_glasses:


But no game to play.