5000$ direct deposit to my bank account + an extra 5$ for every hour I wasted in arenas only to fall through the cart in Ruins of Lordaeron and die horribly to a bug they haven’t fixed in over a decade.
They’re so, so slow at implementing any changes we clamor for. The only time that Blizzard actually updated something in a timely manner was when they reduced the screenshake on Krosus in Legion, which many players such as myself couldn’t do because we’d get motion sick. And frankly, I feel like they only updated that because of accessibility.
It’s hard to precisely explain what made me fall out of love with WoW. The recent changes to sub cards are definitely one; sub cards were the only way for me to buy monthly sub from the country where I live, how slow it was for them to update m+ gearing, the stupid expansion gimmicks, the lack of Torghast catch-ups, the sense of pointlessness and irritation that comes from doing the Maw…
Honestly, I don’t feel like they did anything except PVP gearing right this expansion.
Adding features like housing, giving us more customization and allowing us to be faction independent would probably not restore my faith in Blizzard because they make really big fundamental design flaws. The only thing that WoW does for me that most other games don’t are: good accessibility settings (important for me because of my increasingly bad vision) and addon support.
The only reason why I keep coming back to this game is because I know how to play it. Frankly, I’ll never forget how to. It’s familiar. I can log into my rsham and trust that it hasn’t had a reinvention of its fundamentals that requires me to relearn how to play it from scratch. But I can also trust that I can log into my MW and realize that my favorite spec is once again unplayable, that whatever gimmick they added, removed or reworked has actually just moved it from one grave to another.
I could stand playing casually and roleplaying if the story didn’t feel like I was roleplaying in a comic book, which is fine when that’s something I deliberately sign up to do (SEE: City of Heroes), except, I signed up to play WoW. I didn’t want to be the big, universal hero standing against the big bad. At most, I just wanted to play one champion of many of (insert faction).
WoW really just doesn’t have anything left to offer me, I think.