What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

Holy crap thank you. Someone gets it.


The framing of Teldrassil was equally, if not worse than the framing of UC. First of all, it would only please people who like to see random genocide based on a whim. Burning Teldrassil wasn’t the plan, or smart.

So the Horde gets a horrible victory, loses one of their cities, and because of the specifics on how they lost their city, they deserve to lose another one just so the Alliance can be satisfied.

Yeah, okay.


I consider Teldrassil a mere down payment on the Alliance’s part. And they have much to answer for, still.

Nothing short of a full royal Alliance apology from Anduin for Stormheim, and handing Genn over to the Warchief for Horde justice, would make me consider the idea that the Alliance has repaid the costs of the war they initiated at Stormheim.

I don’t see that happening though.


The complete unmitigated defeat if the Horde, nothing needs to be destroyed in retaliation, the Alliance doesnt need to commit Genocide in response to Genocide. The Hordes total defeat with the execution of Sylvanas and Nathanos would make me happy.

It will never, ever happen.

In fact nothing that could “repay” Teldrassil will ever (or could ever) happen in this MMO.

A Faction War storyline was stupid and lacked foresight in Cata/Mists and it is stupid and lacks foresight now.


There have been many replies so far about no one wanting to destroy Lordaeron any more than anyone wanted to destroy Teldrassil. But I would like to point out that the Horde took three zones (Ashenvale, Darkshore, and Teldrassil), while the Alliance only took one (Tirisfal Glades). This is not one to one as you presented it, especially when the Horde have gotten end game questing content on Darkshore when the Alliance hasn’t gotten any in say Silverpine Forest, for example.


They did make the mistake of not calling him out as soon as he killed Therenas so his title as legitimate ruler of Lordaeron stuck for a while, but the attack on Quel’thalas of course is no Alliance military operation
 Alliance never sanctioned that.

Nonetheless, for our male human pally poster with High Elf fanatical tendencies this apparently “doesn’t count” for the Belves, and that is hilariously wrong
 Ergo my remark over him fulfilling those people well known M.O. of discarging and picking as valid only the lore that benefits their agenda.


I take it you haven’t leveled a horde character yet.

Those individuals aren’t people.

Moral high ground is for male human paladins. Wrong crowd you’re trying to dehumanize.


They can kill the screecher and most of the forsakens for all I care but I don’t want them to win the war or getting power to point out the next horde leader.

I think the best payback would be cull most of the human cast and let the others races take the spotlighit and obviously let then kill most of the rotten humans of the horde

It would to an extent. However, in my opinion, it would not be as emotionally investing for Night Elf players. But this does bring up a fair question in regards to the threads topic.

What kind of repayment for Teldrasil could be made that would not insult or degrade Horde players? Night Elf players do need a victory, in my opinion, that will be without caveats but at the same time Horde players should not have their face rubbed in something that they had no control over.

Considering this, I think I agree with those posters who have suggested that the Night Elves fully reclaim Darkshore and Ashenvale. I still think that the Night Elves should get a major hit against Sylvanas. But if I had to choose that or the Night Elves reclaiming the two zones they care about most then I choose the later.


Look at our history, plenty of kingdoms fell from grace because the successor wasnt groomed to be king/queen cuz of reasons(first son died/assasinated, didnt want the responsibility and that is just a few) some of the replacements rose to the challenge, some didnt, of course you are entitled to not liking it but
 it happens, it is what it is.

someone called? do you need me to tell them how right i am and how everything i do is morally justified?


and then the tree was blessed by the aspects and the corruption was purged


You think the Horde(Sylvanas, the Horde was barely involved) were justified in what they were up to there? She was trying to enslave a sentient being to churn out an army of Valkyr and made a deal with Helya, our enemy in case you forgot, to do it. Maybe the initial attack wasn’t justified in the middle of a legion invasion but you can’t deny stopping her by the end was the right thing to do. We’ve killed actual bad guys for less.


Yep, if memory served the end of the night elf questing there purges the lingering corruption. There was no danger from the tree.

And even if there WAS it had absolutely nothing to do with Sylvanas’ reasons for burning the tree anyway.


Having died once at the hands of the orcs already, He might not be so eager to repeat the experience.

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He’ll be fine unless there’s a well of conveniently placed demon blood around somewhere.


It’s also worth remembering that the Wild Gods have their own agendas. They’re not at the beck and call, or even allied with the Night Elves.

Yes but it’s hard to believe none of them care at all about the Horde crashing through Ashenvale and Darkshore and burning Teldrassil.


It’s impossible to believe, honestly. But the night elves have never been written as how strong they should be, by Blizzard’s own WC3 lore.


Why should they? Ashenvale for the most part wasn’t touched save for it’s inhabitants. Teldrassil isn’t natural to start with, and as for Darkshore, forests have burned before. It’s not the same as a massive Legion invasion corrupting the very fabric of the world itself, and that’s pretty much what it takes to bring the Wild Gods out of their normal state of just being empowered animals. And that’s an important thing to remember. Deep down inside, the Wild Gods are generally just souped up animals
 acting on animal instincts until a massive imbalance puts a temporary state of sentience upon them. there are exceptions, like Avianna, but she’s more intent on her Harpies than anything else.

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