What? Yes I personally marched the Iroquois on the trail of tears and personally owned slaves and personally genocided native Americans. Will you shut up? We’re talking about a game. I’m fully aware of the murder and death the USA AND EVRRY OTHER colonial nation is built in. God…shut up.
The Kal’dorei where on their knees. Not the whole of the Alliance … I mean sure they were horrified, but nonetheless.
I mean if we settled to have the Orcs get shamed on, and that to happen; say after a series of horrifying events (Example: Thunderbluff being left in somewhat ruins / Draenor Primals & stuff everywhere on one side, and Death stuff on the other) may not have been caused by the Nightelves themselves but a worthy distraction to take advantage of - to which the Kal’dorei marched through Orgrimmar, detonated bombs and caused Orgrimmar to crumble upon the labyrinth of caverns underneath & activate a device (The Tidestone) whilst they’e leaving the place #PeaceOutHordies to cause massive waves to crash & pour in – flooding the divide (like the Sundering caused with Great Kalimdor) I’d be A-Okay with that; sure it’s not every city like you’d like, but golly that would hurt.
Horde’s presence in Kalimdor would be crippled, whilst they’re repairing and dealing with new threats, and the Blood Elves are streaming their hands through their hair stressing out at what the heck just happened when they wake up from their hangovers.
They’re not crushed utterly & entirely; but it leaves room for development in the Horde and amongst the playerbase in. It would bring back the ‘Band together to survive’ vibes; the Nightelves don’t appear to be completely sated - but they do have room to rebuild comfortably, knowing the made the Horde bleed when they were already bleeding. Perhaps drag a few Corpses to spike at the gates of Ashenvale: “This our turf now.”
Deer horned blue space goat.
There is an item in WoW called, [Orb of Deception], it explains what each race’s equal is in the opposite faction.
Humans = Orcs
Night Elves = Undead
Dwarves = Trolls
Gnomes = Tauren
Draenei = Blood Elves
Stormwind = Orgrimar
Teldrassil = Undercity
Ironforge = No Troll city
No gnome city = Thunderbluff
so as you see, things are rather balanced. Teldrassil went down, so did the Undercity.
Now, if Sylvanas goes down, guess who goes down from the alliance faction?
the balance should be kept. And the Alliance is on the heavy side of the scale when it comes to heroes.
tl:dr: NO.
Because as a Night Elf player, you get to be the heroic survivor of your race with story license for just bout any form of revenge you can imagine your player doing.
As a Horde player you’re locked into a storyline where your heroics are either being a toady of Sylvannas, or kissing up to the King of the Alliance or other mortal enemies of your race as you perform a pennance for the sins in what was supposed to be a war of two Grays.
Not to mention, the Horde is forced to kill a LOT of Horde.
Its sort of scary how often Blizz goes out of its way to just make us massacre species of people that are included with the Horde. I guess thats what makes the Horde ARs such a breath of fresh air … it was nice to have someone to build relations with.
Orgrimmar doesn’t even need to be destroyed really.
It could be a character, or some cinematic showing Horde soldiers. The end effect is an explicit Alliance victory over the Horde really.
Something epic like Pride of Kultiras when the navy arrives but this time instead of Ashvane its Sylvanas or Saurfang or both and the Horde with them.
I don’t want this sullied with the Horde’s presence at our side.
You won one.
We win one.
Orgrimmar’s terrible design is punishment enough for playing Horde. I ain’t that sadistic. I just want to really stick it to Saurfang and Sylvanas.
It could be a character, or some cinematic showing Horde soldiers.
Something epic like Pride of Kultiras when the navy arrives
Imagine the shame the Alliance would reign down on the Horde if:
They used their navy to blow cannons in the sky doing mortar shots into Orgrimmar (As a show of Strength) which resulted in chaos, as there was a council meeting amongst the Horde’s peoples.
The Horde rushing out in numbers from the city to stop them, pouring out from the portal rooms in numbers regards to reinforcements from all cities as well as the general bulk of the city that was already there - then in the commotion outside have Tyrande drop on one of the ships, as she lands on the singular ship where she just witnesses the last of its soldiers fall - She barrel rolls then strikes a blade through the back heart of an Orc she simply thinks is a threat to the fleet & Alliance lives who was causing more trouble than was worth from the usual typical Orc.
The Orc: He takes a deep breath, collapses on one knee - The camera pans around to his face, which is away from Tyrande still none the wiser of the who she has provided a ticket to the Shadowlands.
It’s Thrall - He looks up at Saurfang who just landed on the same ship to see what the commotion was, dread impale them both. And with a mere swift wave of her hand, Tyrande execute-smites Thrall with the immense power of Elune.
Enraged by grief, Saurfang charges Tyrande - Who has no expression; thinking his betrayal was merely a matter of time - Activates a Teleportation Runestone provided by her Highborne allies (for emergency); and goes to a distant ship.
She smirks angrily, then nods at Shaw who gives the signal to fire the remaining mortar cannon shots to: The shoreline, with the army closest to its border and ships yet to launch. The Horde ships that were already approaching. Along with the singular Alliance ship with Saurfang on it - They all get blown to smithereens; the cinematic shows Saurfang being consumed almost the same way Grommash had.
His wish had been granted. He died in battle.
But no glory was had, no joy in the death to be so splendour. The taste of it turned bitter as the ash & flames consumed around him. Just like it had Teldrassil.
The Alliance showed a strength they conquered forces from all cities. Lay waste to their ships, crippled them - And Tyrande had snuffed out the Horde’s symbol Champion of Might (Saurfang), and their Champion inspiration too (Thrall).
In consideration due to the ‘Peacemongers’ or ‘Friends-R-us’ of the Alliance, I’d imagine this would be done by those in the Alliance that believed it was still time a lesson was needed to be taught. A firm one. “The boot to the ant” - As Nick Fury or Loki would say. Having Tyrande & Shaw lead the charge would be ideal I feel.
As for the rest of the Horde champions such as Sylvanas, Lor’Them-“watchthehair!”, Baine, Thalyssra etc I could care less about after those events (To be fair, the Horde players still need a story bone to chew on).
The Horde clearly love Saurfang and Thrall, ripping those two from the picture would be fundamental enough for me. Anything more, I don’t think Blizzard would consider in the slightest. They’d consider it overkill; I’d say I agree - even though I thirst for a little more salt & liquor to the wound for good measure but I’ll settle for that.
The alliance responses in this thread are on an orgasmic level, and I personally would benefit if any of them come to fruition. But I’m a firm believer that punishment should fit the crime, not just in severity, but in purpose as well.
If you want a 1v1, Dragon Ball Z style duel-of-honor, place the blame on the architect of this whole conflict. And let the duel be of equal epic proportions. This means A-List vs A-List, B-List vs B-List. Tyrande vs Sylvanas, and Shandris vs. Blightcaller. Thematically, those four are the Yin-and-Yang’s of each other. And they’re all archers, which makes one defeat of the other even more salacious. Because the writers can’t just deux ex machina or explain away a defeat against two equal classes. Whatever conditions of the fight the writers imagine works equally for all sides. So it gives the winning side gets “bragging rights” for eons to come. And since this thread is about repayment, it follows the NE takes both rounds.
Can you imagine the outcry if Sylanas loses in a duel of marksmanship against Tyrande? Sylvana’s power, her entire bread and butter, is to go pew pew. Her origin story, her artwork, her in-game model, her bow being an artifact weapon, her elven race, it all ties to the glorious pew-pew. All those cinematics where she is shown to be a BAMF, has her pew-pewing. But then she pew-pews flat against Tyrande, who out-pew-pews the pew-pewer?!? The flood of tears would rival Noah’s storm!
If you’re laughing, or at least cracked a smile, I’ve made my point. Single duels are great and have their place, but if I have to choose between defeating Sylvanas and rebuilding the NE kingdom, I’d choose the latter every time. Because at the end of day, while Tyrande is a racial leader, I play the MMORPG game to be the hero of this story. And there’s nothing heroic about being a defeated people whose lands were conquered and themselves turned into endangered refugees.
So my repayment plan to equalize Teldrassil? What Blizzards takes away, Blizzard owes back. Make Nighthaven our new capital (or Mt. Hyjal), and artwork the mother****** sh1t out of the new Nighthaven. I’m talking about great branches that reach the sky, a sky of eternal night and stars. Updated building architecture, updated flight paths, updated NPC’s, the whole 9-yards. Entire courtyards filled with NE NPC’s in armor and other signs of martial prowess. Owls flying across the boughs. The glow of eternal stars everywhere.
And all those cities in Northern Kalimdor? Update those as well. With Walls, and Towers, and NE army and patrols. Human architecture got updated in Wrath, UD Architecture and Orc architecture got updated in Cata. NE could use some love (admittedly other races, too - Tauren, Gnomes, Trolls).
But my point being - if punishment is to fit the crime, then the best punishment is to show NE rebounding, stronger than ever. And this is the final twist-of-knife to Sylvanas. Because Summermoon’s defiant words were right in the end - Sylvanas does lose against life.
Can you imagine the outcry if Sylanas loses in a duel of marksmanship against Tyrande? Sylvana’s power, her entire bread and butter, is to go pew pew. Her origin story, her artwork, her in-game model, her bow being an artifact weapon, her elven race, it all ties to the glorious pew-pew. All those cinematics where she is shown to be a BAMF, has her pew-pewing. But then she pew-pews flat against Tyrande, who out-pew-pews the pew-pewer?!? The flood of tears would rival Noah’s storm!
You forget, she also has the power to go “REEEEEEE” hard enough to kill people.
You forget, she also has the power to go “REEEEEEE” hard enough to kill people.
i’m doing this on my phone today, so i don’t feel like switching to delgrog to post this but…
I lol’d IRL.
Can you imagine the outcry if Sylanas loses in a duel of marksmanship against Tyrande? Sylvana’s power, her entire bread and butter, is to go pew pew. Her origin story, her artwork, her in-game model, her bow being an artifact weapon, her elven race, it all ties to the glorious pew-pew.
I mean, the same can be said for Tyrande. As a Priestess of the Moon, her kit includes the bow, the blade (Tyrande’s pro-tip: Don’t powerslide your midriff onto a runeblade.), and divine magic. Her End Times encounter, her confrontation with Ysera, all done with a bow.
Also, small nitpick, but Thas’dorah was Alleria’s bow, not Sylvanas’.
So my repayment plan to equalize Teldrassil? What Blizzards takes away, Blizzard owes back. Make Nighthaven our new capital (or Mt. Hyjal), and artwork the mother ****** sh1t out of the new Nighthaven. I’m talking about great branches that reach the sky, a sky of eternal night and stars. Updated building architecture, updated flight paths, updated NPC’s, the whole 9-yards. Entire courtyards filled with NE NPC’s in armor and other signs of martial prowess. Owls flying across the boughs. The glow of eternal stars everywhere.
And all those cities in Northern Kalimdor? Update those as well. With Walls, and Towers, and NE army and patrols. Human architecture got updated in Wrath, UD Architecture and Orc architecture got updated in Cata. NE could use some love.
Because Summermoon’s defiant words were right in the end - Sylvanas does lose against life.
I do like all this, though.
I mean, the same can be said for Tyrande. As a Priestess of the Moon, her kit includes the bow, the blade (Tyrande’s pro-tip: Don’t powerslide your midriff onto a runeblade.), and divine magic. Her End Times encounter, her confrontation with Ysera, all done with a bow.
Correct, which is why I consider the two to be the yin-and-yang of the other. Its like all those fanfic e-peen contests about, “Whos the best “X” in WoW”. Imagine if Blizz answered and made Tyrande numero uno archer, and made it canon? Lol…
Also, small nitpick, but Thas’dorah was Alleria’s bow, not Sylvanas’
Thank you. I rushed that paragraph and it was designed more to be tongue-in-cheek, but I stand corrected. =)
so i don’t feel like switching to delgro
You know i maybe late to this but what i see as repayment would be a large loss of civillian life that is show to impact the horde. Not killing characters or destroying cities bit something that devstates the npcs.