What would be the problem of blue eyes on Blood Elves?

“I can’t play blue-eyed alabaster elves on the Alliance. The game is ruined ;-; .”

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more like, “i’m an idiot.”

Oh Hyper. Reading your posts gets better every time.

I’d rather 10 mechagnomes than a single High Elf. At least the Mechagnomes are original.

This thread is stupid they CONFIRMED black elves, and blue eyed blood elves, move on.


I already don’t trust any of them.

Thrall has left the horde at least half a dozen times by now and made awful decisions that have caused bad divides in the horde.
Rexxar doesn’t like people.
Gnomes are gnomes
Humans have regularly let people into their high ranks that have turned out to work for the black dragon flight or old gods.
Dwarves couldn’t even stop fighting among themselves until like an expansion ago.
Kul Tirans were being co-led by someone that helped free N’zoth
Trolls betrayed Garrosh
Goblins are money hungry

Everyone sucks when you look at it the right way

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Now you’re getting it.

will do. i’ll get right on it.

well its more like, i’m an idiot for ever believing the hope thing. the maybe later thing. the anythings possible thing. the in the future thing. and the keep asking thing."

They gave us void elves and nightborne
No more elves
:elf:‍♀ :stop_sign: :elf:‍♂ :stop_sign:


so no half elves either?

I mean. They gave the Horde high elves back in TBC, then the Alliance got High Elves in the void flavor.

I don’t know why you were expecting a carbon copy of another faction’s race.

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I’m sick of new elves

Snake people
Something new please
Those new faun look pretty sweet

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That’s even worse. Noone wants to play Alleria and Vereesa’s crotch-goblins.

we had some ideas on how they could be modified to not look identical to belfs but none of it matters anymore.

well lore knows, you select alliance races anyway. so you’ll probably get whatcha want till there are no alliance mains left and blizz can just convert the alliance into npcs only

I play alliance more than horde atm

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You can paint a turd gold, doesn’t make it stop being a turd.

The faction disparity isnt due to races, Hyper.

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