What would be the problem of blue eyes on Blood Elves?

Hi there guys, just wondering something after seeing some comments in the forum after the new customization options for Belfs in wowhead.

I’ve read multiple times that “Those eyes will be for NPC only”, or, “They will be for DK only” or both; in other words that those blue eyes won’t be for playable blood elves but for anything else.

But what happens if they’re for playable character as customization (I think this will happen, same was said time ago when they added Yellow eyes, that would be NPC only etc and ended being usable on playable characters), what would be the problem with this?


People associate blue eyes with High Elves. Blizz’s official stance is that BEs are HEs but there are some who disagree (vehemently, at times) and are of the stance that BEs aren’t HEs because HEs are Alliance.



They aren’t even the same Eyes that most High Elves use anyway.

The problem is that people are hyping up a thing that’s looking like it’s not going to happen while using it to try to pretend the High Elf request is done.


I actually think that would be the ultimate troll… as I think the majority of people who want High Elves are Alliance.

I’m 100% for this.

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You could’ve searched for your answer and read all of the crap ton of other threads about this. Here’s just one of the many:

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Alliance just salty

It better happen. We need more color choices and these ones make sense. Should’ve existed long ago.


People want to police the customization that Blood elves get for literally no reason at all.

Give em Blue/red/purple/eyes!!

Give them short void elf hair styles and good facial hair!!!


Male blood elves need the void elf facial hair to be even remotely playable.

Man I wish Belfs had some hairs that Velfs have lol

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its not for literally no reason at all. though i agree, more eye colors for everybody! most mmorpgs have hundreds of possible customizations. but hear me out so you realize the actual issue:

i know this is hard to imagine, but try. let’s say blizzard gives the alliance mok’nathal and then hints before every new expac, that they’re going to give horde playable ogres. and lets say they use the same skeleton but the features that differentiate an ogre from a mok’nathal, are one day, 15 years of ogre hope later, just given to the mok’nathal as a customization. any chance you’re gonna still believe you’ll get playable ogres after that? thats what has people upset. its the fruition of 15 years of being told maybe later, keep asking, anything’s possible, etc.


(Commentary): Nothing. People who want to play a blue-eyed Blood Elf will, and then life will go on.


No one was told this for 15 years to get anyone’s hopes up concerning Helfs. Helf fans were ignored and brushed aside by the devs, given a pat on the head and the same words you tell a child when they want to do something you’re not going to let them do. And then they were told that Blood Elves are High Elves. Yet people continued to spin that into some sort of “hope.”

oh yes they did. have you heard the interview where ion was asked during wod, about upcoming subraces for legion and he name dropped high elves and maghar, and how their artists were excited about it. kaching, several million resubs and prepurchases later, he then drops the hammer on high elves and says, eh, just go play horde. then on twitter, one of the devs says to angry helfers, dont give up, keep asking. this type of thing has been going on since vanilla.

did you know originally the night elves set up their moonwells in ghostlands, to assist the blood elves in their addiction? they werent originally there to spy on them, they were there to help them out.

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But it is though.

Heard this before.

And no…Mok’nathal and Ogres are not like Blood and High elves.

The difference between those elves are more than just eyes. It’s political stances and traditionalism.

Mok’nathal are a cross breed that is not as big with Orc facial features. Ogres are way more big and taller.

Don’t try to compare.

I’m not crazy about ogres honestly.

I would have gotten over it and moved on long before.

Meh… i mean you can make a playable race out of anything and justify it on anything.

I would be happy taking it or leaving it.

so in other words, you dont really want to understand the reaction.

You’ll have to find me this. In all of my years on these forums and watching those interviews, I don’t remember seeing this. And of course they’re going to throw out any example that people know. Had they thrown out Lightforged, people would’ve reacted with, “… what’s that?” So they throw out ones that people know as a hypothetical. Believing that is on those who hyped it up. Never believe anything you hear prior to the end of beta. Everything changes.

Of course. To shut them up. That’s how you do it with children, too. Had that done to me all the time.

So? What does that have to do with anything?

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not only that, he said in the q and a, where he told helfers to just go play horde, anythings possible but no playable high elves in the near future. so helfers tagged on to the anythings possible and near future parts of his comments and said, see, he’s not closing the door on them, and maybe we can get them in like 9.0 or 10.0. if we keep asking. and that’s how it works, and the devs know this.

originally, alliance was gonna get blood elves.

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Which is exactly why I said:

That is not what that means at all. LOL That’s your theory. And it doesn’t even sound like a good one. Just sounds like more twisting and hoping for things the rest of us knew weren’t going to happen.

Nelfs helped the Nightborne and found a way for them to deal with their Nightwell addiction. They went Horde, too.

Just because someone is willing to help, doesn’t mean they’re going to suddenly join a certain faction.

But… you keep trying to believe in these things if that’s what you want to do.

7: 04 minute mark https://www.videogameszone.de/World-of-Warcraft-Warlords-of-Draenor-Spiel-42978/Videos/WoW-Warlords-of-Draenor-Ion-Hazzikostas-im-Interview-englisch-1110814/