What would be a good race and class for a beginner

So I’m a beginner and I do t really know what race and class I should do. Do you have any suggestions that could be fun. I don’t care if it will be challenging because I’ll learn how to use that class.

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Probably hunter, Orc/troll for horde or NE/dwarf for alliance. The pet makes it lvling more simple and its less complicated than playing a warlock.

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annnnd thread. Came to say this. Hunter easily.

I would say it depends what you want to do and what you like to do in games.

If you want to DPS: Hunter.
If you want to heal: Priest.
If you want to tank: Warrior.

Obviously, DPS is the best at soloing, but even when specced for DPS hunter is the best solo class of these. These are good starter choices for beginners in each role who want to have the most straightforward path to success.

If you want classes that you can be competent with at first, but can grow into later:
DPS: Mage
Healer: Still Priest
Tank: Druid

hunter is notoriously easy in classic wow. NE hunter for alliance. dunno about horde. the lack of animation cancelling makes playing a hunter a breeze in the park.

I would say a rogue, or paladin/shammy.

People are saying hunter is notoriously easy which is true. They also have a higher skill ceiling than any other class. So you will level fine but most people will know you as a “huntard” until you really get the class down.

Rogue’s aren’t as easy but their PvE rotation is a gimme and the stealth is a lot more useful than pet, imo.

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Hunter is easy to level, but hard to master for end game. It’s one of the classes that has the most depth and the largest tool kit. It becomes a lot to manage though later on. PvPing around the dead zone, pet training and TP allocation, raid pulling, healer guarding, dpsing, raid recovery, kiting, etc… Hunters are rewarding if you really take time to master them. They do more roles than anyone end game, because they’re dps/utility, not just dps. The problem is for every great hunter there’s 200 bad ones.

The basics of hunter are easy. Mastering the class is a different story. A well-played hunter is a rare sight. Sure, roll one for simple leveling and easy decent dps, but if you want a good reputation and to get farther than BWL/ZG then you have to learn the in’s and out’s of the class.

i think frost mage is a good choice. you can make your own food and water and eventually get portals so you can portal between cities. also you can, at about level 40, pull many mobs at once and aoe them down. so good money maker for trying out other classes.

Hunter and Warlock are the go to “beginner class”.

The problem is that you may not enjoy either. When I was a beginner in vanilla I was forced to go warlock cause its easier than Priest which was what I actually wanted to do and not surprisingly I ended up hating warlock. And I actually did end up rolling priest eventually and now it’s my most loved class and I main it always.

Don’t choose based on difficulty, eventually you will learn what your class does it’s not that difficult. Choose based on what appeals to you. Put it this way this is an mmorpg not whatever BFA is. So if you think using rage, being melee and hitting hard, front liner appeals to you for ex., then go warrior. You don’t even need to be an rper, this is just the best way of choosing a class in vanilla imo.

If you love challenging and also like the idea of being unique then warlock is the way to go. Just don’t go alliance if you want to pvp.

Roll a priest. You can go Shadow as you level, then healing when you get to Raids.

Depends on end goals.

Paladin ret leveling or holy at 60 (human I guess but I think dwarfs are good too)

Priest is a bit more complicated than paladin but could give you an option for priest - Any race or dwarf for raiding

Hunter - Any race or faction. Although alliance only has the hunter chasing mail armor as there are no shamans in their faction.

Mage - any race/faction

Warlock - I am not that good and it was my main main in WoW.

If you like the class, you will enjoy the game and eventually become good over time. So do you want to heal and if so what style. Melee? Tank or damage? DPS - range or up close? Desire a pet or hate dealing with it?

Try a few to 15-20 to get a feel. If completely new, hunter, mage and paladin I think are the easy three. If you enjoy one of them, you will figure out their ceiling (Hunter has a lot to learn).

Easiest leveling, but micromanaging your pet can be a hassle at max.

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I am not saying the class doesn’t have complexities. He asked what is best for a beginner. Hunter is best because it makes leveling easier which makes learning the game easier. It is assumed a beginner will not be a beginner at their class anymore when they start to do end game content.

It doesn’t matter. Read the brief descriptions on the character creating page and pick what sounds fun to you. Every class in Classic has sufficient depth to keep you entertained and advancing in skill for a long time. Every class is easy enough to start with that rank beginners will do fine.

The leveling process takes a long time. More than enough time to thoroughly learn your class and get good.

Decisions like this should just add to the fun of the game, not terrorize you. Besides you can always re-roll after 15 or 20 levels and not really lose time. Your original character can just be a professions mule for you.

The game is really fun. I an envious of your beginner status actually. You have so much to see and do for the first time ever.


Hunter is the easiest class to play but deceivingly difficult to master. I will explain why;

Back in Vanilla, Hunter does not have the quality of life it does now, by comparison it is still the easiest entry-level DPS class to play, but as you continue to play it, it will quickly become the most difficult to play at the highest level, and here’s why:

Pertaining to PvE, Hunter is just a walk in the park, and by no means is difficult in any stretch of the imagination. However; delving into the topic of PvP, this is where things start getting difficult. Hunters do not have the luxury of melee range auto shot in Classic, this means in order to use most of your abilities and do a majority of your damage, you need to be far enough away. Seems easy enough right? Here’s where the issues come into play; most good PvPers know about the hunter’s “dead zone”, what this is, is where the Hunter is too close to use their ranged weapon, but too far away to use any melee abilities either. This causes a lot more problems than people think, and the counter to this is Scatter Shot which has a decent cooldown as well. This is only one Hunter’s problems in PvP. Another one briefly is that unlike all Melee Classes, Hunters cannot move and use their ranged weapon at the same time. While if you get your timers down or use a swing timer addon, you can move during the swing time, and at the end of it, stop to get the auto attack off, but if you miss time it, you lose a good chunk of your damage.

That being said, Hunter is the easiest class to get into, it requires minimal skill and is very forgiving to mistakes, especially considering you have a pet, it makes your leveling experience much easier once you hit Level 10. I highly recommend it to anyone who is new to the game, and wants a very forgiving but still enjoyable experience.

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Paladin any race

They are easy to start. Very forgiving.
And can layer be as strong as others with gear.

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Well it looks like hunter is the easiest. What race is good for hunter.

I would suggest a factor being how social you are; maybe not explaining it right but if you’re learning and perhaps not comfortable being in groups right off the bat hunters are a nice option because you never feel ‘alone’ if that makes sense?
Similar with locks but with more variety in your companions “today feels like a bear day”

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