What would a Mag'har Orc Wear for his wedding?

I reckon MAg’har orcs and their ancestral worship would likely lay vows of unity before the grave of their clan’s respective graveyard or ancestral grounds. Likely witnessed by clan elders and family. But each clan is likely more unique, whether the Shattered Hand or Bleeding Eye clans engage in more masochistic delights or not.

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Why cant a tauren and gnome fall in love

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So I am not crazy good to know

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Because its illegal.

You don’t sleep with food.

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Don’t be rude, the Tauren would never eat his lover. Except Baine. To him, there is no other form of desire.

For real:

Maybe the Nightborne bride could hunt something herself to make her Husband’s wedding garb, and he could shop around for her dress? It would be a good way for each to show their appreciation for the traditions and background of the other, and get to know each others’ family/friends who could help them. That way they both are in traditional wear, but it becomes a symbol of their bond rather than a point of division.

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tusks of mannoroth. duh

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