What will ruin Wrath Classic?

The insane power of DK is one of the few specific things I remember about Wrath.

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The two things that might ruin Wrath are having to redo Naxx, and ToC being garbage. The Naxx thing will be huge. Reusing Naxx made sense back in the day because pretty much nobody saw it. That’s not the case this time around.

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This is what I find most interesting, wotlk was regarded as the best xpac yet overall the raids were absolute trash.

Cata classic>WOTLK Classic.

Be pretty cool if they devoted some dev time to give us a replacement raid off the start.

I know Blizzard doesn’t do dev work like that anymore but it would be a huge surprise.

Admittedly I can’t even debate. Cata was so off the mark for me I quit about one week in and never returned to WoW until Nost gave us the best attempt at recreating vanilla.

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Wotlk only had 2 actual raids that were good.

We have to redo Naxx and then wotlk has all 1 boss raids besides Ulduar and ICC.

Cata has overall better raids.

Agreed, and anyone who wants to go full boomer and walk barefoot to the dungeon can still do so.

So your main issue for ruining wrath for yourself is something you don’t even know will even be a thing? You can make the argument “well they didn’t do it for TBC so they won’t do it for wrath” sure but that’s not plausible in my opinion simply cuz it still could happen. TBC and wrath are much different. I could most def see them doing fresh servers for wrath rather than fresh servers for TBC.

A big reason for this is because right now servers are in the worst position they have been since launch of classic. For them to put out a new server atm would be a very strange option. It would infuriate many people if they did this right now simply cuz many would argue that they need to first and foremost address and fix the current server situation.

I do however see them doing it for wrath, especially if they do fix servers at some point. Also because I don’t see them going past wrath. The whole point of classic was to go back to how the game used to be in the old world state and with talent trees. Cata is where this all changed. Classic cata would not make sense because it’s just getting closer to retail and the world changing was one of the MAIN reasons people wanted classic. But that’s a whole nother topic which I know people will argue they are gonna do it.

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There were many many calls for fresh launches for TBC. They didn’t do it, and so people went into TBC with literally tens of thousands of gold. It was honestly pretty lame. That amount of gold going into TBC fueled major GDKP right off the start, exacerbated by gold buying for a double stack of lame.

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A lot of people think class balance was in the right spot in Wrath. You didn’t have completely useless specs like you did in Classic, and you didn’t have any Classes like shaman in TBC where you want five of them per raid. Having raid wide buffs really helped stuff like that.

Also, LFD and the badge system gave people a reason to run dungeons through pretty much the entire expac.

Yeah. They wouldn’t even have to actually add any new art. They could just make different encounters. But, lets also remember that one of their stated reason for introducing LFR was that it was becoming hard to economically justify spending so many resources on content hardly anybody sees. That tells me that making a raid must be very resource intensive.

So, yeah. They’re not doing that.

Why do fresh servers when you can sell a boost?

Not sure if you’ve looked at numbers, but SoM is about as dead as it gets.


doubtful boost will be enabled on fresh servers… just how you are not allowed to boost a dranei or blood elf

I just looked at ironforge pro, not as dead as it gets, there are TBC servers waaaaaaaay worse by far. There is some people at least playing on every server but yes they are low in numbers, SoM was popping the first couple months, I knew there was too many servers thou.

Shoulda just made 1 pve and 1 pvp server with sharding. Cuz if you combine all the server numbers there would be a healthy playerbase.



Good thing Microsoft is running things now. :clown_face:

They won’t be buying ABK until mid 2023, and that’s if everything goes without a hitch.

Even then, Blizzard will still be the one ruining WotLK.

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It’s amazing to me how many people don’t understand this.

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Well, they probably just haven’t bothered to read about it, but, yeah.


  • Minmax culture continues and certain classes get excluded like in TBC (rip rogues)
  • Phase 1 is going to kill a lot of people due to attrition if they keep it as long as TBC’s. Nerfed Naxx and some dragons aint good content and you’re gonna have people who wanna hit 80 ASAP by dungeon grinding and burn out.
  • Cash shop additions like race+faction change that doesnt help at all with the population balance and makes everything worse.

Wrath was the plateau of WoW. Peak players was end of BC start of wrath and the game began its cycle of big launches and declines

That everything besides a few Ulduar hardmodes and a few T9/10 heroic mode fights will be laughably easy. When everything was new people were already wiping the floor with Wrath content at a lightning pace so now, 10+ years later, content will be chewed through insanely fast.

Modern day gaming min/max ideology with server pops will also ruin Wintergrasp unless Blizzard gets proactive and adds some new controls to even each battle out.