What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

I literally remember one person on the forums still angry that the Belves are Horde. Blood Elves are Horde, this is known and I doubt you’ll find a group of people disagreeing with that.

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Subjective. This is not a valid argument to ignore balancing, especially when it’s only to suit a personal agenda for something you want. your argument is both contrived and thinly veiled.

Again, “subjective” and the argument “They can’t do anything about it” as to be the weakest one I’ve heard thus far. You can also “live” with the fact that you don’t have playable high elves, and yet here you are.

It is an assumption. You’re assuming that everyone, or near everyone who plays WoW played WC3, when there’s absolutely zero evidence to support it. Especially the younger generations that weren’t even around when WC3 came out. Many people came to WoW simply because of it’s success, and popularity.

You’ve offered absolutely zero rebuttal for everything I’ve said, likely because you realize just how absurd it is to balance an MMO with a 1 player RTS game. It may be my opinion, but until you can actually come up with a valid, and rational argument to justify such a ridiculous claim, you shouldn’t be sitting on the forums arguing with people, telling them they have no “argument” when you, yourself can’t even respond.

Comparing two different situations without acknowledging the differing variables is truly foolish, no matter how hard you pretend that they “don’t matter”

The visual “Fantasy” is playing a “fair-skinned, blonde haired elf” it has nothing to do with their story. Although High elves are arcane addicted as well, from the Silver Covenant claiming to drain magical artifacts to sate their addictions, to the very Allerian High elves that ask you to run around and collect arcane artifacts they can siphon off of to resist the lure of the fel. The fantasy was to play the “High elves” not the Alliance high elves, as their story has evolved from WC, and no longer see the Alliance as allies. For very obvious reasons.

What’s amusing to me is that you keep using the High elves from Warcraft as crutch for your argument, but fail to realize that the Blood Elves are the ones that continue the High elf story from Warcraft. That Alliance High elves have largely shed the cultures of the high elves and have adopted the traditions of alliance races. They no longer wear high elven clothes, or wield High elven weapons, they no longer build high elven structures, or heck, even speak High elven. These are all things the Blood elves do, as fulfilling the “high elf” fantasy was always their purpose in WoW.

Yes but you were trying to use the fact that because HE was the one that said these things that he isn’t “reliable” when he’s only reiterating the decisions he and the dev team made as a whole.

It’s true that the modern Blood Elves are derived from the High Elves of Warcraft II – and that they’re the legitimate inheritors of Quel’thalas in most every way.

It’s also true that the modern High Elves are derived from the High Elves of Warcraft II – but they’re not the legitimate inheritors of Quel’thalas, having been developed in a different direction for at least ~25 years now (in-universe).

To be clear, we’re talking about not allowing a group to become playable because they’re too similar to an existing group, while also conceding that they don’t really share anything with said existing group, other than skin tone?

Seems suspect.


They could also go the other way, and make them more svelte like the beta Blood Elf models.

“Welcomed” them to abandon their Allies and go sign up with the folks who besieged Quel’Thalas.


Considering that he consistently quoted “WC3” multiple times to cite his argument, which suggests that he simply wants Blood elves, as high elves. There were no Alliance High elves in any Warcraft like the current versions in WoW.

The chief complaint is that they’re too visually similar, which explains why the argument almost always comes down to skin, and hair color - visual features.

What’s funny is that most players pushing for High elves are willing to compromise almost everything about High elves (lore included) except skin tone, despite it being the main issue players have with making them playable in the first place.

Suspect indeed.


I wasn’t responding to him, or anything he said, but to you and what you’d said.

I’ve found myself lately considering basically anybody that espouses a #nochanges mentality, as it relates to playable High Elves, to be lacking in thoughtfulness – and I find exchanges with them to be mind-numbing. :man_shrugging:

That was the point.

Somewhere between Warcraft II and World of Warcraft, there were many disparate group(s) of Thalassians who rejected the moniker of Blood Elf (culturally and politically). These groups, over the course of ~20-21 years, experience a sort of ethnogenesis that is ultimately centered in Dalaran and it’s satellites.

Their clothing style derives from Dalaran.
Their building style derives from Dalaran.
Their armament style derives from Dalaran.
Their political ideals derive from Dalaran.

Are you saying that if Blizzard were to adjust their visuals, such that HE’s were instantly discernible from BE’s, you’d be on-board with making the former playable?

If so, I’ve got good news for you: in all of their 15+ years, Blizzard hasn’t ever released a new playable race without first adjusting their visuals to further distinguish them from preexisting playable races.


No, it’s a response to someone saying that because Blizzard doesn’t balance things the way YOU like, that they shouldn’t bother when it comes to something you want. It makes no sense, its akin to a cop saying “Nah, I shouldn’t save this person because, y’know, we can’t save 'em all!”

Right, you make the argument that Blizzard should just do something based of the reasoning that the players will just have to “suck it up” because they can’t do anything about it. Nice one.

Which means that not everyone who got turned to WoW played WC3. Myself included.

You’re the one telling me how I have no argument, and yet when asked to offer any rationalization you jump to “That’s just your opinion” and then don’t even attempt to come up with any rebuttle to defend your position in the conversation. This entire conversation has boiled down to you avoiding having to explain, or rationalize anything.

Thanks for showing your true colors.

Right coming from someone who’s spent the entire conversation avoiding any culpability. You avoid defending any of your points while pointing the finger at others. You have no problem making bold claims, and yet they fall apart utterly under any scrutiny, to which you avoid rationalizing in any capacity.

Good job.

Blah blah blah blah, High Elves are bad because i say so, blah blah blah, NO U, blah blah blah, you have no argument because i say so, blah blah blah.

Got it. Keep on breaking it down for us, blah blah blah.

No argument because you’re quite literally just saying “blah blah blah.” I know you think you’re being clever, but anyone with half a brain can see that you’re just avoiding coming up with any counterpoints, or rational argument.

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Blah blah blah, you have no argument. Blah blah blah you think you are being clever. Blah blah blah.

Keep on breaking it down for us, that was record time reply, 2 minutes…you must be waiting to just hit that reply button.

Thank you for proving my point to anyone reading this that you’re just a troll.


Those people just do not like sharing their elf model with Alliance, it is envy.

The Alliance have Void Elves and the Silver Covenant thanks to your Elf Witch.

Considering blood elves are high elves, it really makes no sense that they would break from their own people. A bit like how silly the whole void elf thing is.

But it is blizzards writing department.

So… it’ll probably happen. Those guys suck at storytelling, lore, and anything that makes a game engaging.

I don’t really care. Personally I think the races shouldn’t be faction locked, it’s not like there wouldn’t be defectors or races of opposing factions who just want to remain neutral.

I don’t think they need to accept them for them to be added. In fact, the conflict between the two groups would make for great storytelling!

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what conflict gulrum? the faction war is over. if there is going to be a conflict in the future it would be between the blood elves(the light) vs void elves(the void). i wouldnt even be surprised to see vereesa fight beside the farstriders again defending quel’thalas from them. shes already fought along side with them twice now in 2 different expansions

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I also feel like this is very likely. With the void elves very existence posing a threat to the sanctity of the Sunwell, and the continuous narrative that the “void” is not a power that can be controlled, (Something Umbric himself admits, and Thalryssa mocks Azshara for trying to do in Naz) I believe it’s only a matter of time before another event like the one with Alleria at the Sunwell occurs.

The void will likely use the void elves against their will like it did with Alleria, attempting to corrupt those around them, possibly even spreading through some of the high elves before the rest flee to Quel’thalas, and the Sunwell for safety.

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Horde Night elves