What will Azeroth look like as a Titan?

like eonar

A female dwarf.

Kinda hoping she looks like a giant mother dragon rather than human shaped, make her special among her titan kin.

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Someone make some AI art of this.

Some form of a Blood or High Elf.

The Well of Eternity changed the Dark Trolls to look more like her. Further exposure to the fonts of magic like that, turned them into High/Blood Elves.

Then when you think about the fact that Xal’atath this super powerful being is also an Elf in it’s humanoid form, it kind of furthers it in my mind.

IF they go the route of say a Blood Elf, and give her human like skin, I imagine she’ll be a Black Blood Elf like Nadia Rivergleam or Sindragosa’s Visage Form, honestly.

But my biggest “big brain” take is that she’ll be a combination of a Blood Elf and a Nighborne.

I hope she looks non-binary.

And now just for that, I am hoping she ends up looking like Amitrus. Hell, with us planting AMIRdrassil, that might end up being what happens.

The other option is she is simply the Earth Mother.

OMG…the current story of Dragonflight makes me feel like this might actually be the case, lol.

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She will meet Rule #1 and #2 otherwise the playerbase won’t see her worth saving.

Two words: Giant. Crab.

She would probably look a bit like Eonar. If she’s a Titan, it seems strange to think that she wouldn’t look like a Titan. But if Blizzard decides to make her different (Troll, Elf, etc.) then I hope they also have her emerge from the world while standing on water skis while also jumping over a cosmic shark.

A trans Danny DeVito.

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Assuming Azeroth is in fact a titan. This expansion should have led you to question that. Pretty sure it’s being alluded that world souls can be any of the forces but whoever claims it is what it becomes on birth. The titans are manipulating it for themselves and the void tried and failed. The titans are definitely not good beings though.

Sooooo Toddy?

Wouldn’t she be a troll? Trolls are native to Azeroth and one of the first races no? :cloud_with_rain:

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Dylan Mulvaney

Clearly like this


It NEEDS to be either a tauren or troll.

If its human or elf its just gonna be a disaster let it be a native species to the planet not some majic addicted troll or an actual living rock.