What website links are whitelisted?

I’ve got no real interest in getting trust level 3, but I do want to know which links are approved for use by anyone. Unfortunately searching for it returns nothing but posts about how to get trust level 3.

Anyone can post a link from anywhere, but TL3 isn’t subject to vetting for their links and are able to post links from places like Reddit or ReserltEra or PushSquare, etc. But be aware that just posting willy nilly will definitely bite you in the backside if those links break CoC.

Below that, only Blizzard links are considered trusted.

That’s really wonderful, but I know all of that already. I want to know which website links are automatically whitelisted for everyone.

That was… quite literally the last line of my post.

That’s incorrect though. I can post wowhead links no problem, for example.

It would appear that that has changed since I last checked, then. Lucky you, that would have been very useful earlier.

I have my doubts that an SFA is going to come in with a list like you’re asking (simply because I don’t know that it exists), but you’re welcome to wait until one decides to come through.

The thing that’s killing me about this is that I know I saw a list the first time I learned about trust levels, so I’m positive it exists. Just can’t find it anymore because the only thing people talk about is how to get trust level 3.

I know what you are referring to, Aranhod, but I"m not sure if we have that list anymore.

Obviously, our sites should be able to be posted. It does make sense that Wowhead can be, as we refer players to that and similar sites for what we consider game hints, something our Game Masters cannot discuss.

Maybe icy-veins? I’m afraid I can’t test it myself, but if I come across a list I’ll post the link.

Here is a test for Icy-veins…

yep seems to work.

I believe you have trust level 3, you’d need someone without it to test.

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I was so surprised that Mourningg would have trust level 3 I had to look myself. >.>

runs away


Shots fired.



I am TL2 and I can do youtube, wowhead, and blizz links. Haven’t found any others that work. Icy Veins definitely doesn’t work for me.

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I saw someone mention that being given Shadowlands beta access is granting trust level 3. When I read that I checked, and sure enough I had beta and trust level 3 back.

They also said it would be removed when those forums close. I have no idea how they would know this though.

Okay well this one shouldn’t have TL 3, I don’t think I’ve used her to post on the new forums ever…



Or is the trust level account wide now?


Yes lots of people are going to learn how to level a Balance Druid… I will stop now.


They do though, according to your profile.

Speaking of that, is that Beta flag from a previous Beta or the current one?

I know other people in the Beta have mentioned that all of their alts have received TL 3 since they got Beta access. And just checked a never before used alt of mine and she has TL 3 as well now.

So that’s why I have TL3!

I will mourn its passing. Posting illustrations had been very handy at times.


It must be from the previous Betas, I’m not sure if I got SL beta… I wasn’t really playing much in BFA and I didn’t really check to see if I got in or not. I’ve been involved in all the prior betas though.

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