What was your vanilla realm?

Started on Crushridge - Alliance in vanilla on my warlock Fireoracle. Eventually ended up on an Oceanic realm when they opened up.

I was Horde back in vanilla. I still remember some of the alliance dic…I mean guys I used to run across. Smart, Mustang, Kowasaki… Which I think is somewhat impressive as I left AN with the launch of TBC. Rerolled with some friends.

I wasn’t much of a player back then though… Not that I’m any better now.

My original realm was Anub’Arak (Alliance). I was in a guild called PWNSTARS if i remember correctly. At the end of the expansion I switched to Frostwolf (Horde) and bounced a round after that with friends. I have been on Thrall since MoP and don’t plan on leaving.

Do any Horde Frostwolf players remember that Night Elf Shadow Priest named Hutch that was always ganking/camping Tarren Mill and other hot spots? Might of been later into BC he showed up but that guy was a nightmare when you were out in the world.

Dalaran but never capped their

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Dunemaul 4life :stuck_out_tongue:

Ursin Horde. I still remember my guild leader, Bronts, an amazing orc prot warrior who I looked up to. Was only 10 years old. Great times.

Maelstrom in patch 1.0.4, still have the guild “GriefSquad” and hoping to see all the members come back!

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arthas release day pvp server. horde troll rogue.

Jubeithos - alliance on this toon

I played on Dalaran US, character was a night elf warrior named Elfguard, I started raiding with Legion of Grace, but eventually joined Eminence.

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my first character was on Blackrock

quickyl rerolled to Muradin

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Yeah, I was a complete noob. I was in a tiny family style guild that didn’t even field enough members to form a raid. Combine that with my mindset at the time that raiding was beyond my skills(it was), I’m so glad to be able to go back and do those things I missed out on.

Nice to see someone else that was on Dalvengyr lul.

Durotan (aka Dramatan)

Skorba the Orc Hunter. Ah, the days.

Medivh, starting in September 2005. I recall getting stuck somehow behind the gate when Kalahad hit the gong to open AQ, the server crashed, and I logged in the following morning to find an anubisath standing almost on top of me. It was the first time I properly used the magical “bubble hearth”, heh heh…

Ended up going to Khadgar and Eonar with the main - a human paladin - before returning to Medivh for a time, and then finally settling down on Cenarion Circle. My last effort at “raid progression” was clearing Dragon Soul on normal in Cataclysm; since then it’s been less hardcore, focused more on RP and doing the raids in LFR (yeah, I know, filthy casual), and going back and doing the old ones for gits and shiggles, heh.

Draka in Vanilla and BC. All my friends that I had there no longer play, so I decided to transfer over to WRA since the RP environment kinda gives another layer to the community that I feel is missing over there now.

I have no idea. I played wow beta and on launch day. I picked the lowest pop server with no queue times.

medivh mostly

Bloodscalp / / PvP Smokerz!!! TBH i doubt Vanilla will be as everyone else is expecting. The main thing about what everyone else is missing and craving is the closeness of the community/guild. But the game seem to now favor separation and too many option to abandon your core group. EX: PvP used to require a team to be formed which somewhat forces us to stick together practice and perfect synergy. Now it’s since the option to bounce on the team is open with no penalty ppl just keep switching and pugging partners with respect to their rating.

Started on Destromath because it’s where my dad played! But I’m a roleplayer at heart, so I switched to Feathermoon right at the beginning of BC.

Now I’ve been on Wyrmrest Accord since Cataclysm and couldn’t be happier!