What was your vanilla realm?

Stonemaul originally. That was a good server. We had to leave, and I don’t remember why. It was such a great server. Then we went to Executus. That was a good server too, but I didn’t quite feel “at home” like I did on Stonemaul.


Executus was the server i was on. Anyone there knew about infamous iced and his boy taco something. They account shared each other to rank 14 and one day iced decided to log on his buddies account, de-ranked him to like rank 4 or something single digits and disenchanted his hwl gear (back then blizz couldn’t/wouldn’t restore items disenchanted) and video taped it all. It was posted on google video base back when they did that but long gone now.


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You may be misremembering just a bit. Ysera didn’t open until 3/31/2006.

I started on Shattered Hand because thats where my kids started. PvP wasn’t for me so I switched over to Elune. Never looked back until a new group of servers opened, one of them being Ysera where I and my army of alts still are today.

Wildhammer OG crew reporting in.

No, that lines up. I tried super hard to make it work on Staghelm, but the lack of reliability did me in around lvl 45ish.

Scarlet Crusade!

I was a member of The Haven; we cleared MC and BWL. I know we cleared through at least Huhuran in AQ because another healer was given a ring I’d saved up DKP for after the first kill and I was pretty furious. I think we got through several of the first bosses in Naxx (Anub for sure), but shortly before BC came out, I “quit.”

Then I went on to raid hardcore in BC through the beginning of WotLK on Silvermoon because deciding to quit had obviously taken precedence.

Uther horde represent, all sub 1,000 of us.

Skullcrusher then Smolderthorn when they had free transfers. Laughing Skull in TBC to WOTLK subbed a week or two for mop/bfa but I don’t even remember what server I played on for those few weeks.

April 2007, early TBC but the old questing areas still had their Vanilla difficulty (No ground mount till level 40 and there were plenty of world elites that would eat my paladin for lunch).

Twisting Nether - US (RP-PvP)

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December of '05, Started on the Alli side, Bronzebeard-US and my main is still there to this day! in 06 i started a Horde guild on Cho’Gall-US (PvP) and its still there as well, i love WoW and will probably be one of the last people standing when its all said and done! FOR AZEROTH!!


I was in Silent Reign :slight_smile:

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Dramatan… I mean Durotan

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First realm: Draenor. Character: Esterk (warrior)
Present realm: Rexxar

Nordrasil, my baby…to bad is gone.

Hellscream => Dalvengyr when it opened. Which was kind of cheap, considering I leveled this character to 60 on a PvE server and then transferred to a PvP one. But hey, gotta take that opportunity when it presents itself. Transferred over with the rest of my raiding guild, and had great fun.

I think there’s a video on YouTube about that and they named the person because it was their friend.

Old times lol. I had a few friends back then in each of those guilds.

Rommi In IF Bank! I think I have a screenshot somewhere!


Earthen Ring – Alliance
Ended up there after bouncing around trying to find realms that weren’t full on launch day.

Transferred to Farstriders for Burning Crusade.