What was your vanilla realm?

Holy Moly, War Ensemble is still around? lol

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Ysondre and Scarlet Crusade representing.

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I was a Night elf warrior on Black Dragonflight.

Kirin Tor still have my very 1st Character (Alliance)
My very 1st horde left Kirin Tor to Thrall Realm

Dragonmaw alliance for all of classic and some BC then Maiev till wotlk. Quit at the end of wotlk and didn’t return till end of Mop, at this point I had moved to Australia so I server transfered my toons to frostmourne oceanic


Was pretty active during Classic/TBC but now it’s pretty much dead. :anguished:

Silver Hand, RP

Fun fact, beta server 15 (which I played on) was the only RP PST server during the beta and given that Silver Hand was the only RP PST at launch I assumed it was the same hardware.

Note that while I loved Silver Hand, I only chose it because there was no RP-PVP at launch and by the time those were created I was too invested in my friends and characters to move.

Khaz’goroth oceanic, still my home to this day :slight_smile:

Started on Feathermoon and never left. I have characters all over the place, but I’ve always considered FM my home, along with the guild I started in 2005.

Think they’ll have the Classic Servers as well? I mean, think we’ll be able to start on servers that were in existence at the time? Or will it be a new batch of unfamiliar names?

I rolled alliance on Illidan back in Vanilla.

Hello to all my Illidan kids <3.

I was boulderfist on vanilla too, first day of release, troll hunter named Jaxx. Druid named Angrybull.

That name rings a bell… What happened to Saga? You guys were always a few bosses ahead of us. How long did they stay active? I left Illidan towards the end of Vanilla for Frostmourne.

Trebloc (Druid) - Midnight Raiders

Argent Dawn US Horde

US-Azgalor Alliance

Horde? Its hard to find many people that were a part of the content grind back in the day.

Started on Kargath (PvE) as Alliance - I didn’t really understand realms at the time as I started a few days after the game launched. I stayed on Kargath until TBC, then rerolled on Arthas (PvP - Horde). Also spent some time on Steamwheedle Cartel (RP - Alliance) … no regrets on any of them.


Was part the Penny Arcade Alliance on US-Dark Iron. I’m going to avoid PVP servers like the plague for classic lol. There were some good times pvp wise but mostly bad.

Another Illidan player here.

If I remember right Saga moved to Haomarush at some point. Can’t remember when exactly, maybe Wrath? Most alliance players seemed to bounce/reroll off of Illidan once the faction balance got all jacked by Cata.

I remember Eloderung being out in Winterspring farming for the mount while I was doing that. Crossed paths a few times.

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Norganon, I think

Yeah it was horde.

I played Alliance for most of classic actually, but I honestly can’t even remember the server. Probably explains why I haven’t played Ally since.