Started off on Scarlet Crusade as Alliance (if I’m remembering correctly, SC was the home of some of the Tavern Cast podcast people). Played there all through Vanilla with family before switching to Silvermoon to try out the Horde side of things.
Lightning’s Blade (Alliance) and Shadowmoon (Horde)
I played on Bronzebeard at launch myself. I’m wondering, has there been any information released on if they’re going to keep, or re-use vanilla server names? It’d be pretty cool if they did so people were able to return back to their servers and run into the same people.
Durotan, then took the free migration to Arygos.
burning blade 1st week of launch until free transfers to mug’thol (awesome). alt horde on firetree which was a new realm and had a lowbie alt on sargeras
Mal’ganis alliance.
GriefSquad? Now that is a blast from the past. /waves
Khadgar same as now though its pretty dead really
Another Scarlet Crusader! One of us! One of us!
Blackrock in the US, but now I am filthy EU
Shadowsong and then took the free ride to Black Dragonflight.
Feathermoon. Lunari Meridia was a decently sized guild with a lot of nice folks, but it’s sadly long dead.
Kael’thas PvE Horde
Played a hunter in Invective
still remember Dominos and Dark Portal Syndicate
Shattered Hand!
Triple OG Horde realm Shadowmoon
Steamwheedle Cartel US RP
The best RP server EVER!!!
Dragonmaw and then Scilla when it launched. Ran a guild on Dragonmaw called The Stormreaver clan and then was in Eternus Familia and Tenebrae on Scilla.
Carnage#1881 if anyone is still around from those days, would love to catch up and possibly play classic at launch.
Kirin Tor 2005 still here (alliance)