What was your vanilla realm?

Dunemaul was the first server I ever played on back in Vanilla but it was short lived. That was way back in July of 2005 when I was 16 (I feel so old just thinking how its been that long XD).

Back then I didn’t have a good enough computer to play WoW but could afford the subscription, my friend had a good enough computer for WoW but couldn’t afford the subscription. So, he would bring his PC over on the weekends and we would take 1hr turns leveling a Gnome Warrior named “Conalfie” (We randomly generated the name) who I still have to this day!

(PS - I do not condone account sharing in any capacity, its a bad idea and against ToS. Don’t do it)

(Even has the Recruits Shirt still :slight_smile: )

After about a month I got my own computer and he got his own Subscription just as I discovered more of my friends played WoW! I went to their server, Dragonblight, I played on Dragonblight until about 43-45 (I can’t remember) when I suddenly realized that none of my friends were playing anymore. I had leveled a Paladin named Guntak on that server which was no easy task mind you. (Also, at some point I went back and started to level him again, got to 50 and then stopped)

Turns out they all re-rolled on Warsong because it was a PvP server. 40+ levels of Vanilla Paladin just wasted since you couldn’t transfer PvE to PvP back then. So I rerolled the most faceroll class because I didn’t want to put in the effort of leveling on a Paladin again, I rolled a Dwarf Rogue (Vanilla Stone Form was stronk!). His name was “Sprokit” and he was my first real main.

At some point I also rolled an Orc Enhancement Shaman on Twisting Nether (You couldn’t have Horde AND Alliance toons on the same PvP server back then). His name was, and still is, Stormstrike (Probably one of the names I value the most just because I found it was one of the most taken character names XD)

(Yeah, thats a Mograine’s Might you see right there. Doing those sick nasty 2h windfury deeps!)

Anyway, I played on Warsong until TBC in which we transferred to get off of the high pop server. I transferred to Agamaggan with a friend to get into a raiding guild, which fell apart (the plan, not the guild) from our hubris in our youth.

Afterwards I went over to Lethon, and I transferred my rogue as well but shortly after decided to roll a Shaman because Windfury Stronk, and joined a Progression guild known as “Edge”. My Rogue is on Lethon still to this day.

To be honest though, I got into progression content because our guild leader was a Rogue and wanted Windfury Totem and Heroism. In fact, he use to cycle Shaman into his group to get multiple Heroisms for himself since it use to only effect the group the Shaman was in and there was no massive debuff just a long spell CD.

My Shaman, however, no longer Exists. He was known as Burori on Lethon, I have since made a new Draenei Shaman on Archimonde in remembrance of my first Progression character.

After Lethon, over the years, I made my way across various different servers. At least two dozen different servers before making my permanent home on Agamaggan (Horde), with the Progression guild “Discord” (Pssss, we are recruiting by the way~ You can find a link to the guild recruitment page down below if you are looking for a Horde progression guild that has been around for several years~), and Archimonde (Alliance). I still watch my friends bounce around flavor of the month servers.