What Was Your "Hell" Spot in Vanilla?

The worst place for me was Un’goro Crater. I loved the Zones atmosphere but the Devisaur Mafia was more of a plague than the scourge in WPL & EPL!

Desolace for sure, I dreaded that zone. I didn’t like the quests there and the feeling there. I know I am going to have the same feeling when I reach that zone again.
It didn’t have much flavor, and then also the “rep grind” with the centaurs that just seemed pointless. You couldn’t get exalted with them and there wasn’t anything that came from the reputation. You never dealt with them outside the zone and even while in the zone it seemed pointless except “a thing to do”

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Remember the escort quest there? Ugh.

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i avoided desolace with EVERY SINGLE FIBER OF MY BEING.


One of many escort quests I remember… also the escort quest in Red Ridge where you do the long fight through all that mess and then you just knew at the end some horde was going to come out of nowhere and wreck the npc just to screw you over. Good times.

Silithus - never was a fan of bugs, and that place always looked so desolate (even more so than Desolace).

Also never really got into Blasted Lands either (though the landscape there is pretty much a preview of TBC).

Ironforge. I loved sneaking around there killing flagged Alliance players. I hated it because there were so many who weren’t flagged around =’(

Undergeared messing around in Tyr’s hand. Doable, but a slugfest.

Blasted Lands - My Warlock was a gnome back then, and that blasted doomguard quest-chain, never finished it in Vanilla.

I know how I want to quest in Tanaris now. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

Farming the distracting dagger on my rogue. About 60 crap luck runs,

This was one of my first few “what is even happening” moments in game; as you and others have mentioned, we had quite a few of them in Duskwood. Such good times!


I did it as alliance… almost solo’d it, then guess who happened to walk by…

This, 40-50 I’m lost… I think I ran a million ZF runs from 44-50 ( was going for the double weapon epic). 1-40 and 50-60 I seem to remember well. This time I will be leveling tailoring so whenever I’m lost with quests I will grind mobs that drop cloth I need.


How is this thread not filled with STV responses? Don’t get me wrong, it more was of a love/hate thing. God I hated rogues…

I loved STV because I had a friend help me with the WW axe at 30. It was also the 2nd pvp zone (Ashenvale was 1st) that caused a rivalry/camping each other.

My bad place was the gnoll cave, west of Bloodhoof village in Mulgore. They spawn quite fast in there and you can easily become overwhelmed.

Stranglethorn Vale…just, the whole zone…

I feel like I should love it because it’s huge, has a lot of cool areas, tons of quests, lots of stories, and memorable characters. I don’t know why but I shudder every time I hit level 30 and it was time to go there.

Aww come on didn’t you try the 45 minute rescue run a bazillion times?

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