What was your go to food in college?

Mine was toast butter and honey :sob: I used to just eat a ton of it to fill me up.

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I am betting that would be the most common answer.

Broke’e’os. Take in all the flavor of being broke because you wasted your money on college: Enjoy Broke’o’s today.

Buttered toast is amazing. Not a fan of honey on toast though.

Mine was this japanese brand of cheap ramen noodles. Spicy seafood flavor. God they were good. Now I want some.
Or chicken fried rice. A microwavable ready meal.

Sometimes at night I’ll just get up and make buttered toast for a snack. Wouldn’t want to live on it but it’s pretty good.

Anything that could be “cooked” in the microwave.

I did buttered bread (or toast) with jam and honey.

a McCasserole. go to mcdonalds and get a bunch of chicken nuggets, then go to the grocery store and get a variety of shredded cheeses. take a glass baking pan, put a layer of nuggets on the bottom, then cheese, then nuggs, then cheese, and if you have the room, another layer of nuggs and cheese. bake at like 350 until the cheese on top browns.

is this disgusting? yes. was it cheap? very yes.


Poptarts and I’m also a fan of those Marie Callender frozen pot pies. It’s like a whole meal with no effort.

As treats I also liked buying pints or quarts of ice cream and just eat the whole thing throughout the week. Or a few days.

reported as spam, has nothing to do with the game.

I kinda want to try that.

No one cares gorekall; these threads are a nice break from the whining on the forums

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godspeed my friend, may your arteries hold firm

Reported for being no fun. Also he is made to wear a silly hat as punishment! :tophat:

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oh I’ll die from alcohol long before my arteries clog lol

Fried spam is under rated, for sure.

Spam sandwiches is something I used to eat. With ketchup.

Some of this still relates to what I do on a game release week or when I don’t want to cook. I did not have a traditional college experience. House to take care of, sibling to raise, job to work, etc. So yeah. No dorms for me.

  1. Butter pasta with italian herbs
  2. Refried bean burritos (microwave the beans in a dish, assemble on flour tortilla with cheese and salsa, heat until cheese is melted, add greek yogurt or sour cream, fold).
  3. Not-Chili. This was a vegan dish I could make cheaply with stuff from cans or jars. Similar to chili but not SUPER spicy and of course no meat hence calling it “not chili”. I could feed 10 people for less than $1 a person.
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Rice with Fukaki seasoning, Ramen, and Cup O Soup. Best gift I got was a rice cooker from my sister.

Oh I just remembered I got this $1 frozen cheeseburger from Family Dollar a lot, they were actually really good.