What was your favorite Expansion? FREE Store Mount Giveaway Over


Demon hunter class, legendary weapons, Suramar, the story seemed ok, and Mage Tower were awesome.

Runar (sp??) quest line as the withered guy. The dragon quest line where she died. Antonus cinematic where the big baddie is told his crusade is over!!

Getting legendaries randomly was a bit skewed, but I really enjoyed that expansion.


Till you play that class non stop like I did then log into your DK for the first time in over a month and go to jump off a cliff and glide down


Cool, thanks again for doing this.

Me… Legion because that’s when I started.
Everything felt new to me, taking a flight path to one of the broken isle zones then exploring the zones for the first time, swimming for a super long time as I scaled down the waterfall into suramar and ending up dead several times because I didn’t realize suramar was the 110 zone [ahh the newbie moments].

Visiting the class halls, seeing that I finally got myself to sub and dive into this expansive world.

So much activity around cause everyone wanted a shot at a legendary… my first attempt at raiding in Nighthold and after a 3 try in how many groups, getting Gul’dan down in normal as a pug.

I felt proud of myself.


I think it’s just Monday, and little more than regulars bother with the forums mid-day during the week.

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Quoting to bring attention to this incredible gesture. We appreciate you, Grizzle!!


Quoting because it’s such a beautiful sentiment. Many here have respect and caring for one another. Keep supporting each other. You’re doing it right.


These forums have threads blow up when it’s a hot topic.
[To stir up controversy]

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True and Im letting this one run longer. I just hope a lot of people reply. The more people that do? The more people who have a chance to win.

Mine was Wrath. I met the most friends and played with some irl friends. Everything we did even if it failed was a blast.

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It was!

Me and him are discussing it. Will update the OP once its all sorted. I just dont count my chickens before they are hatched. Will know what exactly is happening with it on Thursday Night.

I like the positivity here for a change :slight_smile:

Like a lot of others, my favorite is WotLK. I love the aesthetics, the soundtrack, and the lich king as a villain. Everything about it was fantastic.

But most importantly, this is the expansion I found my home in WoW. I spent most of BC aimlessly wandering while learning the game. It was in Wrath that I found my guild and made an entire raid group of friends that have lasted to this very day (some of which I’ve reached out to outside of wow, met, and made great memories with). Some have come and gone over the years, as life often takes people away and sometimes, if you’re lucky, brings them back. But Wrath will always hold a special place in my heart when the game was fresh and new, and I was just beginning a journey with new friends that is going 13 years and still counting.

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My Favorite Expansion(so far) is Burning Crusade.

I only started playing a few months before BC was released and the game was still fresh and new to me. Wonder and amazement was around every corner as I explored the new zones.

I remember my Warlock having so many spells and I felt powerful soloing my way into Hellfire Peninsula and beyond with just myself and my trusted demon gang.

Good times!

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My favorite expansion was MoP.
I did know wow since childhood but i never had the chance to play it seriously. So when i started working i instantly purchased the current expansion, which was Mop at the time, and a sub fee.
Even being a total noob by the entire expac i had so much fun, pandas were a love in first sight and i was always fond of asian asthetics.
So yeah, it may be nostalgia talking but i’l never forget the magic i experienced in Mop.

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This is kind of rude my friend and is just uncalled for. Its a borderline edgy/trolling post. I am trying to keep a positive environment here. If you dont want to be part of that? Fine then this thread is not for you. I mentioned in the OP that edgy/trolling post would not only be ignored and Flagged as such; but would also disqualify you for the Raffle. I am sponsoring this out of my own pocket to help spread positive vibes and Holiday cheer.

There are many negative trains running out there that you are free to jump on. No need to try and derail this positive one. This type of response will just get you flagged by people in this thread


My favorite expansion is WoTLK. The game just felt epic at that time and the Lich King was an amazing end game boss. The first and last time I ever really focused on raiding.

I left WoW shortly after Cata and came back during Shadowlands launch. I really wish I had experienced Pandaria and Legion during release. Pandaria for the zones and raids and Legion for the story.

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Going with Wrath of the Lich King. The Arthas/ lich king story can’t be beat. But mostly, because that’s when several of my real-life friends played. Had a lot of fun grouping up with them online on Saturday, or Sunday nights raiding, running dungeons, and bg’s, etc. Fond memories for sure.

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Is someone being rude to our beloved giveaway host…?!

I happen to have on hand a prototype device that my gnomish engineer friend has been developing. I think it’s time to test this badboy out!

~loads the wet noodle thwapper 9000...

Sets dial force to ‘maximum noodle’…

*loses control and proceeds to unintentionally blast everyone in the room with a wet noodle lashing…

Sorry guys.

My bad.

I tried. :weary:


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My favorite expansion was BFA. Had some good times with new people and just had an overall good experience with the game. I missed the second half of Legion with illness that prevented me from playing for nearly a year. BFA coincided with and marked both my return to stable health and to the game. Came back with a new perspective of what really matters to me in life.

It was also my first time playing from day one of an expansion to the end and subscribed to the next. Such a roller coaster ride of good and bad with the net gain of good on a personal level. Having the experience of BFA is what makes it my favorite. Less about game mechanics and game play than a ‘me’ thing. Though I do miss twilight devastation. :frowning:

I’m offering my experience not because of free mounts, honestly I don’t want them, it’s wicked awesome that you do this for folks! Just dropping my thoughts on what a good expansion it was for me and why WOW should be taken lightly, but still can be more than just a game to some. It can be a symbolic return to normal level of living.

Again, this story isn’t about the mount. If I win the mount, OP is gonna have to live stream a random give-away for the person who ends up with it. Trust me, I’m more work than I’m worth in the giving stuff too department. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks very much for sharing anyway. If you want to pass thats fine. As I said in the FAQ of my OP instead of passing you can pick someone in the thread to Win in your place. It gives them a bonus roll so to speak. If your name is drawn it will go to them instead. Or you can simply pass. If you want to select someone you can do that too. Just reply to this with who you have selected

If you select someone Im sure they will be thankful for the bonus roll.

I would like to pass on being entered to give a better chance to someone else. Can’t say it enough how awesome you are for being a positive force on the GD for this!!!


No problem. You have just helped everyone else’s odds by 1 person. I removed your name form the list and thank you again for sharing that experience!

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