Astral magic users are not limited to just druids or priestesses.
It seems if you have a connection to Elune.
You can use Astra magic. Night Warrior or no Night Warrior.
Astral magic users are not limited to just druids or priestesses.
It seems if you have a connection to Elune.
You can use Astra magic. Night Warrior or no Night Warrior.
Fixed that for you, since you’re still confused by this apparently. You do know what the word FORMER means right?
Who knows? Maybe!! We have not been canonically told what class she is a member of.
Except it’s not a class; it’s a power-up that can be removed, as we have seen with her fellow former Night Warriors.
She did not show Night Warrior powers though. She showed the same power Tyrande was using as early as Vanilla as a Priestess of Elune: Mega-Moonfire. This is not tied specifically to Night Warriors, just those who in some way follow Elune.
How many druids do you know that use rapiers?
There is a veritable mountain of evidence to support her being a night warrior.
there is none to suggest she is, or ever was, a druid.
As many as there are dead Night Warriors who kept their powers and status!!
Thus far your mountain has been:
“She was one.”
“She casts spells associated with Elune, just like druids do.”
“Danuser said people lie sometimes, therefore this must be one.”
That is not a mountain. That is a mud paddy.
The only one being obtuse here is you.
So one?
Who’s the rapier druid?
Sure it is.
Danny tells you, in this very expansion, not to trust everything people tell you. He prepares you for the eventuality that characters will convey incorrect information to you.
We witness the Stonewright, who is THE most powerful Venthyr (a point of evidence you neglected to include ), who is deemed Night Warrior, who still commands Night Warrior Magic.
They did not have the Night Warrior use Night Warrior Magic because she is a druid who wields a rapier.
But, as far as hills to die on go, this is a little better (I guess) than “Ardenweald wasn’t made for nelf players”.
I mean, since we’re going straight to head-canon with this whole “Stoney is a Night Warwar”, I’m’a head-canon with you and say Malfurion absolutely wielded a rapier.
I didn’t neglect it, because it’s literally proof of nothing. Azshara is the most powerful mage on Azeroth. That does not mean she’s a Night Warrior.
You’re artificially attributing the fact she is the most powerful Venthyr as proof that her power has nothing to do with being Venthyr.
Elune magic. This has been well explained to you.
I’m’a just keep correcting you going forward.
No, they had a former Night Warrior use Elunian Magic because, and it’s silly this needs to repeatedly be pointed out to you, she is connected to Elune. And not every single character connected to Elune is a Night Warrior. Thiernax is also a former Night Warrior, and canonically so. He also uses Elunian Magic.
It really isn’t. It’s literally on par with it.
Both arguments require latching on to some absoplute fringe concepts, artificially inflate them, ignore actual in-game events and quest text, all to reach a pre-determined supposition that fails to fit any facts whatsoever. Hell, at least the “Ardenweald wasn’t made for nelf players” argument doesn’t have to rely on “well, Danuser said not everyone tells the truth, which directly and absolutely means my head-canon trumps the actual canon!!!”
You’re not dying on a hill here. You’re dying on a speed bump because Danuser said the guy who told you it’s a speed bump, the signs indicating it’s a speed bump and the fact is resembles a speed bump all mean it must absolutely be a mountain.
Andiun is a priest and he wears plate.
NPCs are not bound by our gameplay class restrictions. What is wrong with your brain? Is it ok?
I don’t think it is, he clearly has some sort of mental disorder where he can’t distinguish reality from fiction.
What even are Night Warrior powers? I’ve not seen Tyrande do anything unique apart from her shooting star routine to catch Sylvanas. Everything else just seems like what was there before but more powerful. Oh, and glaives instead of a bow?
We know why Azshara is the most powerful mage on Azeroth: She imbibed of Azeroth’s blood and made pacts with anything and everything.
The only things that sets the Stonewright apart from the others is that she is mortal and some of them are not, and that she is a Night Warrior.
But we know mortality isn’t the reason that she’s the most powerful. There are plenty of Venthyr who were mortal. So what’s the only other piece of evidence that Blizzard supplies?
She’s a Night Warrior who shoots night warrior magic.
We witness it happen.
The ingame quest text (which is from npcs!) is proven incorrect by the Stonewright. We see her, a Night Warrior, use Night Warrior magic.
You’ve conveniently left out that she’s also the first Venthyr.
You once more ignore that she is not alone in this regard. See: Thiernax. Again.
Excepty it isn’t, unless you artificially create a scenario where those NPCs must be lying for literally no reason whatsoever.
It also requires the Storewright to also be intentionally misleading when she talks about what happened when she was a Night Warrior in life, and how that power/curse led to her death and ultimately changed her when she went to Revendreth.
Your entire premise hinges on everyone lying for the sake of lying because Stevie said “but sometimes a person tells a lie” which somehow translated in your head into “everyone lies. Always.”
See: Thiernax still.
You have avoided the fact he too uses Elunian Astral Magic, while being a former Night Warrior. Does your conspiracy extend to him as well? Is he also lying, even to his own husband, because he can Moonfire?
But let’s try and address things your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory fails to address.
How did the ritual to depower Tyrande even work if it required former NWs and we barely had enough with three? Your theory reduces that number to only two (or possibly none).
Why isn’t the Stonewright being driven mad like Tyrande? We know in life, when the Stonewright was the Night Warrior, it did exactly that. Why did this suddenly stop after death if she is still wielding the very power that is described and shown as driving the weilder mad?
If of all deceased Night Warriors, only the Stonewright is still somehow a Night Warrior, what is so special about her that the others lack? How does this make any sense at all?
Why are all these characters outright lying? If they are all lying, as you require them to be, why is it not equally plausible that they’re all lying about being anything at all Night Warrior adjacent? Non-Night Warriors throw Moonfire. It should be equally plausible they’re all druids who were never Night Warriors at all and are instead running a giant con game on Tyrande for the lulz.
That’s just Starfall on steroids. Tyrande has always had Starfall.
No, I haven’t, because no, she isn’t.
Dannyboy did the switcheroo I told you about. Renathal was wrong, and the Accuser corrects him.
Even then, the Stonewright (the og, not the mortal) was never the First.
That title belongs to Renathal.
Thiernax uses night warrior juice?
So, really, all of this is because some npc told you that they weren’t a Night Warrior and you decided you’d ignore Danuser and say “Yep, these npcs can only be correct.”
Except it is.
We witness the Night Warrior use Night Warrior magic.
I didn’t know Thiernax uses it.
Starfall on steroids that one shot killed Nathrezim.
Gentle reminder: Tyrande’s magic was incapable of one shot killing the orcs until she became the Night Warrior.
From everything we’ve seen to date, the ambiguous Night Warrior powers are as follows:
Night Warrior Powers are apparently just a big power buff and the ability to fly without a mount.
Good god I’m jelly.
Except she is. You’re conflating the first Harvester of Wrath (which isn’t the Stonewright, she’s the replacement) with the first Venthyr made from a mortal. The Stonewright is the first mortal-turned-Venthyr.
No. Because at no time at all did Danuser say “these characters are lying about their Night Warrior status”. That’s just in your head. Danuser did say “sometimes people lie”, and you’re for literally no good reason assuming it’s this specific scenario.
That’s Tyrande.
The Stonewright isn’t Tyrande.
The Stonewright uses astral magic, which is not at all unique to night warriors.
You shouldn’t have this much trouble understanding this.
You don’t seem to know a lot about these characters. You’re getting two different stories involving the Stonewright confused, don’t know anything about her fellow former Night Warriors, clearly don’t even know what the whole Night Warrior business even entails, and have some story elements completely confused; the Stonewright is the first mortal to become Venthyr, whereas Ren is the first mortal Denathrius transformed into a Venthyr. These can both be true. They are not mutually exclusive.
Curator notes Renethal’s mistake, the same one you’re making here.
That’s kinda my point. Night Warrior seems to just be a power boost rather than some unique suite of abilities. I’m not even sure how the transformation would work on a dead person, but my assumption would be oblivion after burning through their anima.
You flat out said the first Venthyr.
He said “characters can be wrong, and the only thing you can trust is what you’re there to see.”
There is no source that the Stonewright is any class beyond Night Warrior.
We see her use Night Warrior magic just like Tyrande did to one shot kill orcs, to one shot kill some of the most powerful demonic entities in the setting.
Sure I do.
Gaslighting is unbecoming of you, Alynsa.
Imagine being this malding.