What was the point of Tyrande in SL?

Aren’t you the guy that says “ALLIANCE WON” the fourth war? No evidence of that either besides being told Alliance won it.

What if they were lying too?

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I did, because she is.

And we don’t see the Stonewright doing things that druids and priests of elune haven’t been doing since Vanilla. She’s not going comet form to fly. Her face isn’t going all starscape. Nothing except moonfire spam.

We are not seeing Night Warrior power.

There is no source Night Warrior is a class. It’s a divine power-up. You don’t train in it. Elune makes you it.

Then why do you know so little about Thiernax, the very first former night warrior we even encounter? Why do people have to keep pointing out the Stonewright’s origin to you? And Renethal’s? And how the Stonewright is the second HoW? And what we’ve seen thus far that the NW can do and does do, which are not present in the Stonewright?

I’m trying, Treng, but you need to give me some insight. Like how is it that in spite of the ample evidence disproving your head-canon, you’re still clinging to it like a balding man to his last strands of hair? Why are you combing over logic and reasoning to pretend it’s still there?


I think what should be noted here is Drea is…well rather dim. They are not able to understand new information after they have already constructed a headcanon. You will see them deflecting or narrowing down arguments in an attempt to save face on the forums, much like trying to imply only druids use astral power (as if this is some kind of gotcha) despite being proven wrong (priestesses of elune or pre bfa tyrande) and then implying or claiming stonewright is not a druid, as if that is relevant, without actually knowing what she was in her previous life, in addition to ignoring her also having the powers of the harvester of wrath.

The best way to deal with people like this is usually to stop engaging with them, they are no longer capable of a rational discussion and will just whine until someone else leaves. This could be a “troll” personality they present, but in either case after they are already shown to be wrong, it doesn’t really become worthwhile to continue engaging with them as they double and triple down.


A power boost with changing asthetics, yeah. Like how Tyrande starts quickly going through physical changes to her skin tone as the power starts consuming her.

And, well, that too. The other big obvious thing is the power consumes you. We see that already with Tyrande. The Stonewright herself talks about it. All the former NWs talk about how it happened.

Which makes this whole head-canon even more unsteady; if the Stonewright kept her NW powers, we wouldn’t have a Stonewright anymore. If she found a workaround to not constantly go bananacakes explody, why not just say “hey, instead of depowering her, maybe I should just teach her my trick?”

None of that makes any sense, unless…

The Stonewright actually isn’t a Night Warrior anymore, just like her and everyone else says.


While you are not at all wrong here, I cannot sleep and I find arguing with Trengmoore entertaining.

Besides, he’s my biggest fan!! As he once told me;

:smiley: :grinning: :smiley:


Haha, I see, just engaging with your #1 fan! Carry on then.

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Why does this even matter anymore? She is the new Illidan now.

Unfortunately, Blizzard is incapable of writing Sylvanas as actually responsible for her actions. Rather than having her be an actual villain with character growth and consequences, it’s everyone else’s fault for manipulating and forcing her into genocide.

Tyrande and the Night Warrior arc was absolutely treated horribly. The Ardenweald cinematic where she is LITERALLY vowing to sacrifice her own life in exchange for Sylvanas gets completely sidelined with Elune abruptly leaving her? So, calling on powers for ultimate vengeance is cool and all, EXCEPT when you’re about to, ya know, ACTUALLY commit vengeance? >.>

Also, it seems somewhat stupid that Elune also decided that torching Teldrassil was apparently okay because it would send the souls onto Ardenweald, but THE FLIPPING MOON GODDESS didn’t realize they went nom nom noming into the Maw instead? Doesn’t that then further justify the depth of Sylvanas’ betrayal and murder because ALL OF THOSE SOULS would then be in eternal torment and suffering?

It’s just flipping stupid. Blizzard painted themselves into the corner with Sylvanas, and killing her off was apparently too much risk of ticking off the fanboys. So instead we end up with BOTH Syl and Anduin wandering all Kung Fu style into the Maw with the blood and ashes of the Night Elves left behind. Thanks, Golden >.>


Reminds me how badly the whole “Trials of the High King” business that they tried in Pandaria with Tyrande was absolutely terrible.


I was shaking my head all expansion at the entire zone of Maldraxxus too. Like, after Halls of Valor in Legion, we really needed a gung-ho battle honor zone of UNDEAD that are basically Arthas cosplayers?!

Someone at Blizz has a definite fetish.

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Tbh I loved Maldraxxus for how secretly wholesome and friendly it was.

You tame the mighty terrorwings not by subjugating it with necromancy or martial might. But with head pats and encouragement.

Merelith was just delightful. Kevin the Party Goo is maybe my favorite thing ever. I loved how happy that plague weaver was to find her abomination and how happy it was to see her in Torghast.

But as with all of SL this got old around the 17th time I saw it. And also it annoyed me as a Forsaken fan.

Oh look at all this funny, violent and paradoxically wholesome undead content. Shame there’s not like a playable race who could’ve used this sort of effort.


Ok, the daily to play fetch with the skull was creepy adorable :stuck_out_tongue:


My concern is that they really did replace 1 horde elf with 3 alliance ones though so I’m hoping we having more horde elves front and center.

Tyrande is still jumping head first into danger and ignoring everyone’s council. She definitely did not learn “patience”.

Maybe. Like, for real. Maybe. No one really knows enough to say if that was an intentional thread to be pulled.

And now a days, even intentional threads may end up tied to nothing. Maybe it was originally part of the lost thros/drust content.

Since you’re dedicated to just lying, I’mma let you yell at a wall.

Hilarious given your entire repertoire in this thread hinges on “Blizzard hates Tyrande and the night elf fanbase” which is why you’re lying about Stonewright being a Night Warrior. It’s a nod toward Elune’s champions being more powerful than any other god’s, which takes your argument out at the knee.

I sense that someone is lying here… dunno who though.

Drea is still upset I called him out for actually lying about Brennadam where he said the horde forces were hostile to the horde and I had to go there on my horde character to take pictures of it. He even angled the shot down on the crazy champion he posted so it wouldn’t show the friendly horde tanks behind him.

They have since deleted that post I guess after getting called out, but the quotes still remain, since then they like to pretend everyone else is lying when he’s wrong about things. On a side note this is also an interesting thread to where some people are upset about Roux being the author because she had a night elf tattoo and not really based on the excerpts that were out at the time.



It would be nice if you at least pretended to know anything about the characters you’re talking about, but you’d rather ignore every single thing about them for your head-canon.

You have been successfully debunked, disproven, and refuted at every turn without a single bit of proof remaining to back up your claim.

At this point, you’ve reduced yourself to the equivalent of shoving your fingers in your ears, yelling “la la la I don’t hear you”.

It is very sad.


So as we close in on 200 posts, did anyone figure out the point of Tyrande and the Night Warrior stuff?

Since we have seen the finale for Shadowlands and what the Night Warrior has done and hasn’t done, has someone had an epiphany and would like to share?