What was the point of Tyrande in SL?

In running from the Alliance powerhouse, one of the Horde powerhouses summons a shield that can apparently instagib infinite worgen and the new faction buddy burns down Stormwind (again).

But a lot of it comes down to presentation. We’re told Tyrande is wrecking everything and is a terrifying brick wall of revenge-flavored goodness… But when we see her, she’s mostly failing (so we, the quester, have something to do, but still) or reflecting on her feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

Ugh, feelings.


This gets overstated.

It wasn’t narrative stabotage. It was a planned plot point Blizzard has had for nearly a decade. It almost happened in Mists of Pandaland. At best, it was a narrative idea not all the devs were a fan of. It was by no means sabotage. It wasn’t cackling “look what I’m going to do in retaliation”.


Most of the characters you listed were definitely not morally grey in WC1 and 2.

Again what did the “power up” even do? Why do they need a power up at all to just be able to ineffectually fight the horde? These “power up” again and again do nothing.

I mean the alliance loses again and again, while they barely ever are allowed to strike back at the horde. The only time the alliance has beat the horde was when the horde has a rebellion to help them out. Then when you quest, I don’t think there is even one quest where the horde is told “oh we lost this fight” like andorhol and you lose a flight path for questing. You don’t see it as a problem because you are mostly just concerned about the horde winning all the time and gaining ground as they have been, while the alliance continually loses and is shown to be very weak and ineffectual. This is the problem, you are more concerned with useless powerups than what is actually happening in the story.


The theme was they were tricked and did wicket things. Overall orcish warrior culture wasn’t bad. So it would not of been a stretch to have them come back especially since some horde towns/post/camp sites are named after them.

I do not know what to tell you here, other then I agree. There is alot of inconsistency in the game. some races are stronger and faster then other but is never shown in game like orcs vs human. They state that malfurin + Tyrande could wipe the entire horde army, so what was a need for this power up. Why not show it in game.

They have shown Tyrande as op in game, when she got her power she cleared the battle field with horde soldiers. When maw sworn came to kidnap her she was the only one to beat them. She leaves a trail of bodies in the maw, she go to tograst and runs through it. she owns sylvanas until her power ran out. Which i personally am whatever about as there should always be a down side for mortal to wield a diety power. The only thing she doesn’t do is kill sylvanas.

bro so is the horde hasn’t one anything, they gained some zones because for questing we were very limited and it needed to be fixed. That happened because they finished alliance content first then horde.

Also we are told we lost we are told our capital got sacked, we are told we are evil, we are told we are cowards. Every war the alliance has come out on top and were better off then the horde. I really do not care npcs dyeing, i personally care more about named characters as those are the people you in questing and story. Here again they loose.

The entire BFA story like of Kul Tiras is of the alliance wining and getting better. While the horde story of Zandalar is a lost after a lost. You do not see horde player complain or crying, it made for a better story.

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Agreed there are issues with the alliance side, and human potential is one of them. Ever since someone pointed out to me how different wow races reference different human cultures, i can’t help but feel the indifference. Only human characters in wow do not have flaws. Other races no matter how strong usually fail. Like malfurion being one of the strongest character yet needing to be saved multiple times. While characters like kadghar and jaina can do anything and everything.


You are told.
Alliance is shown. Thats the difference.

How would you like places and characters getting destroyed and killed but then someone tells you that you won?


her goddess shut the power down, it didn´t ran out, but elune denied actively her justice in this critical moment - according to tyrande - because elune forsaw this outcome and so she stoped tyrande to kill sylvanas.


If that was true about Tyrande and Malfurion, Teldrassil would have never happened. They couldn’t stop it so the point of them being able to wipe out a horde army is not even true. Tyrande WITH the power up AND Malfurion couldn’t even stop Nathanos from raising night elf undead and she had to run away from him and get malfurion to save her.

For these powers it’s only ever TELL don’t show. We never see these powers being useful or even effective, these power ups can’t even kick the horde out of Ashenvale AFTER BfA. Tyrande didn’t even get to use her power against the jailer, she just killed a bunch of mawsworn redshirt that literally every character does.

The powers have never mattered and have never actually benefitted the alliance, other than something like where the alliance army is shown to be insanely weak and incompetent like at undercity just so Jaina can show up and clear out the plague because the alliance was too stupid to realize the forsaken use the thing they use every fight.

It’s fine if they are doing it to correct something from vanilla but the alliance is the one that time and time again experiences these losses. The alliance has far more losses against the horde in the MMO than the other way around, it’s not even a contest.

The capital was never “sacked”, where is that coming from? BFA started off with all alliance losses, Ion even says the alliance snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory at undercity. Not only that the horde just walks into Stormwind in front of a lot of the “”“powerful”“” alliance characters and frees all the prisoners they want without consequences then the zandalari sink a bunch of alliance ships without effort, because again the alliance is presented as weak and incompetent. The zandalari only lost in the raid, then in 8.2 of course the alliance loses that advantage because they are lead into a trap by the horde.


If Kadghar has some off handed joke line it where he wasn’t even a part of something it doesn’t mean anything. What even was taken by the alliance from Org? When you sack a city you take pretty much everything and likely just burn it down. The alliance just walked in and walked out after assisting the horde with their rebellion, without actually taking anything.

You literally fly into stormwind and go into the park district to go into the sewer to get the prisoners out, then you walk out through the main door and exit the city without even losing anyone, then all the alliance ships that give chase are sunk immediately without effort on the zandalari’s part. Keep in mind this is in front of a bunch of “super powerful” characters, because their powers never matter when it’s important.

It’s this idea that gets played out again and again where the alliance is shown to be weak and incompetent. Just like the horde walking into Darnassus after they secure the divine bell and they are able to walk in, steal the bell and walk out without incident. The alliance can’t even secure an item in their own city.

Yes, I agree, we are both angry with the story for different reasons, which is what I’ve been saying. We should be upset with the incompetence of the developers for not being able too make both sides feel good to play.


I assume Tyrande will take a backseat in the next expansion or an actual leadership role for a bit. Which will be better for the story but I’ll also miss people crying about Alliance leaders being too nice and milquetoast and then immediately getting upset when Tyrande is written as being harsher and less trusting towards people.

As for the point of her in the Shadowlands, it was essentially to try and clean up the last dregs of the writers’ ‘omg so metal!!!’ moment in BfA, because I’m positive for some reason they didn’t expect the backlash it got. The writers have a disdain for the more generic wood elves that the kaldorei have become (through their own mismanagement) and have a favouritism for their idea of the Horde, the mOrAlLy GrEy Conan the Barbarian without the nuance stuff.

This is spurred on by the playerbase’s inability to be objective when it comes to the faction war, meaning they never actually need to write equitable events, because the reaction (which is all they care about) is the same.

So the point of Tyrande in Shadowlands was to try and clean up BfA’s stuff, because the office situation and time constraints forced them to cut a lot of development for both Forsaken and kaldorei in that prior expansion and they couldn’t using framing enough to fool people. The problem was that they focused all her anger on Sylvanas, to get the Horde out of the bad guy doghouse, but they also couldn’t have her actually kill Sylvanas.


Tyrande’s purpose in this expansion was to:

  1. Set her on a spiritual journey through the realms of death to learn the difference between vengeance and restorative jusice, which is an apt journey for a priestess.

  2. Wag her finger at you if you’re a horde player to remind you that you should feel bad for playing the other half of the game, even if you’re a panda or a vulpera. Lol.

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Yeah this is important, they tried to focus all the anger and just Sylvanas at the end of BfA, and then gave her a task to complete to fix a tiny fraction of the damage she caused, while trying to ignore the horde’s part in all of this as they continue to invade Ashenvale.

I don’t think anything for them was cut from BfA, it was pretty clear that in BfA other than the burning and the warfront they had no plans for night elf or forsaken stuff. Tyrande was likely just shoehorned into SL because of all the backlash they got for the burning without any kind of follow up.


Tyrande condemned Dori’thur to the Maw :frowning:

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100% agree with that, and sadly I do not see this getting better anytime.

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Tyrande had the same purpose as everyone else in this xpac.

…nothing. This xpac was a trainwreck and did everyone dirty.


The first one really gets me every time something like it comes up—the notion that Tyrande needs to learn patience or mercy or understanding or perspective. How old is she at this point? 14,000 years old? Thank goodness we’ve got late teen High Kings to keep the crazy woman in check, right?

I dunno, it’s like we should be getting Night Elf Galadriel over here but, instead, we got some emotionally spastic toddler trapped in a body that predates entire Azerothian cultures. Then again, Elune is apparently the multiverse’s dumbest Godbot, so maybe I’m being unfair.


To be fair people in religious positions have crises of faith all the time whenever they go through a conflict but I’m sure it could be handled a little less edgy.

She’s a very edgy character for her age, I agree.

If she were a young and inexperienced novice or the like it could fit, but this is a recurring theme with Tyrande that is not confined to her faith. She is never written in a way that seems to acknowledge the breadth of experience/wisdom her existence would have to account for.


In fairness though, I don’t know what it would be actually like to never age and live forever. Maybe it can be argued that people who have seemingly unlimited time do not self reflect as much. Idk.

But this does not mean that she should not do anything, the important thing is the motives. Wisdom that forces one to inaction is n wisdom, but stupidity, especially after this tragedy.

But what Blizz does here with Tyrande … is also just stupid, I think they fail to imagine how incredibly old and experienced the night elves are.