What was the point of removing the joyous journey buff?

It does not effect the game at all after 70, if anything it helps more players get to wotlk for a better end game community. They should bring it back to help new players and the people already raid logging that want to level alts quicker.


it was a limited time event the point of removing it was that the limited time event was over


I mean I get it was limited but everyone seemed to enjoy it and it does not break the game in anyway. I still don’t see the point of removing it.

Because it was a limited time event lol.

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Perhaps, Blizzard wants to sell Boosts?


“it was a limited time event the point of removing it was that the limited time event was over”

lol what are you not getting about that.

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I understand it was limited but I saw a ton of posts on the forums about how people wanted it to remain. I still don’t see why they could not of left it up lol.

What are you not getting about the OP wanting to know WHY it was limited? I am pretty sure they are well aware it was limited… BUT WHY WAS IT LIMITED?

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Exactly my point.

It was a limited time event, to help people reach 70 for end game tbc content. If you need a bigger explanation, i’ll try to figure something out.

I mean they still could of kept it up and people would still be getting to 70 it just seems pointless to make it only limited.

Ok, there we go, why not say that in the first place, why come out of the gate all rude and confrontational.

Blizzard explained the reason for the buff.

Northrend is now available so no further need for the event and the buff.
Maybe another special event will happen for another reason that Blizzard will see offering an experience buff as beneficial.

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Probably the same as removing brewfest when it’s one. Or headless horseman. Or you know, any other temporary event they added.

JJ was just an EXP buff, and was intended to affect the whole game. And, in all honesty, lead to a lot of people playing alts and populating the world.

Now… it’s dead again.

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I don’t think it should have been a thing in the first place. People crying so hard about something they never had before, while knowing it was going away. There would have been less whining over all if they had just never put it in place to begin with.

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We disagree, especially since Blizzard wants people in current content, but doesn’t want to provide the tool that helps players who are leveling in old content (RDF).

One can enjoy a temporary thing and want it to be permanent. You know this, right?

And likely fewer players reaching level 70 prior to launch, fewer players continuing to play, fewer alts being made, and fewer people right now as well.

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source: trust me bro

Pretty much this…

OH, COME ON! Are you telling me that you all people didn’t see this coming?

You could always ask for x2 XP weekend like they are adding to OW2 but it’s also temporary over there as well. It served it’s purpose. You got 50% xp to catch up alts/newcomers to get ready for Northrend.

Now, the people who got caught up (sorry people who opened your account up when WOTLK launched), you can just get heirlooms for a 20-25% xp buff and have a permanent Joyous Journeys Lite except unlike JJ, this works all the way to 80.