What was the point of removing the joyous journey buff?

Because it wasn’t part of Wrath?

I know players want/are upset about what is or isn’t in Wrath, but to me I’d like it as close to actual wrath as possible.

Add RDF.

Remove the 30% buff to tier 7

Keep it authentic.

If blizzard wanted to sell more boosts they wouldn’t have make them 1 per account.

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To sell boosts

Yeah let’s just put in an NPC that hands out rare candies ala pokemon.

While we’re at it, put an NPC next to that one that hands out all the gear that drops in game.

I don’t understand why we have to play it at all tbh.

They really should at least put it back in during the world events. Brewfest, Hallows End… etc…

Because it was a prepatch thing…

If they wanted to make money from boosts, why limit it to 1 character?

Such a buff does not exist in Wrath. Therefore it was removed.

So you buy boosts, any other answer is delusional

Hate to burst your bubble but if authentic is what you are after RDF wasn’t in at this point anyways so you still wouldn’t have it based on that argument.

a 50% across the board permanent XP boost is a very very LARGE change. In fact, of all changes ever to wotlk classic, forever eliminating 50% of the XP in the game is the biggest.

Now I’m not #nochanges (rdf now plz, retail AH plz)… but in a game called “classic”, if the choice is between the default game and the largest change to the game ever, blizzard would be wise to defer to the default.

Blizzard has reduced the required XP to level numerous times, by like 30%.

They will also reduce the required XP by a massive amount if you pay for it $$$

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