What was the point of nerfing Greater Heal from 60% to 40% the target's life?

It’s a 3.0 second cast on a 12 second cooldown.

Because of this it only has niche use in both arena and rbg’s (primary on flag carrying maps, since it stacks with ray of hope).

At 40% it will never be used.

Who honestly make your design decisions and why? What was the point of this nerf?

It’s because in TWW they are massively increasing health pools so any %based healing got nerfs because they would be vastly superior to any normal healing.

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Perhaps try reading the dev notes, so your tantrum posts can at least be well informed


isn’t the idea behind %HP based spells is that they stay balanced all the time no matter the HP pools? nerfing them because HP pools go up seems counterproductive. just change them to SP/AP based spells then.

It’s all part of the healing adjustments that will likely need tuning in TWW. On beta right now most healers are struggling to keep health bars full in a lot of content. The idea is to make healers feel more necessary for a lot of content because hybrid and self healing abilities for DPS and tanks are too powerful in current state (at least by blizz logic) but they are also adjusting healer spells with % based healing as well so they don’t become to OP.

I agree with the need to nerf % based healing but they need to adjust healer kits to improve baseline healing as well. Hopefully in the end it comes out that % based heals are nerfed across the board and regular healing spells are buffed to match the content and health pool adjustments.

Just remove % based stuff like g pyro and g heal so people can’t lean on them as crutches like hpriest and fire mage were doing in SL

I think it’s relative to dps output as well. It might not scale with HP as well. So many variables in play.

I’ve heard that many times before