What was Sylvanas's two truths and a lie?

I don’t think they ever revealed it. The game was she would make three statements, two of them would be truths and one a lie. But she never revealed which was a lie.

The Statements:

1: I am proud to be warchief of the Horde.
2: There are times she wishes she was still alive.
3: I would never betray you my dear sisters.

Are we to believe the first is a lie? She never really cared about being the Warchief, and her own internal dialogues suggested she hated it. I could easily see her wishing she was still alive sometimes. We see this a bit when she was bonding with Vereesa and then Vereesa ghosted her and Sylvanas was left heart broken.

To the last one, she would never betray her sisters. Some people say this is the lie because she had her dark rangers lying in ambush waiting to strike. However you have to keep in mind that in Sylvanas’s twisted mind, she likely does not view killing and raising them as a betrayal. When she was going to raise Vereesa she was fully going to rule by her side, equal partnership. I would argue that in her mind, she’s not betraying them but saving them.


She thought it was 2 lies and a truth


The lie was, she thought saying this would make her a more interesting character and make people care.
The truth is it just made her worse.


Its definitely 1 and 3 are lies.

She didn’t care about being warchief, she cared about avoiding the literal hell she saw when she threw herself off icecrown.

2 isnt a lie because of the above.

When she died her 2nd death she would be willing to betray anyone to avoid point 1.


When you say “two truths and a lie” you’re already lying.

OP, you forgot the biggest one of all:



It would be faster to list the things Sylvanas said that were true.

  1. You are all nothing.
  2. That’s literally it.

One of the issues with Sylvanas’ story in a nutshell.

Constant mystery mongering and even to this day there are unanswered questions.

That one and also why was she sent to The Maw when she committed suicide at ICC?

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But she did betray the dark rangers, when she turned her back on the Horde.

She wasn’t exactly the nicest person after she got raised.

Oh man, I was going in a completely different direction based on the question.

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One could pin it on her numerous crimes against life itself after being raised.

That or the fact that the jailor had half her soul.

Here’s mine:

The leader the horde needed
Bae <3

The third one was obviously the lie.

She betrayed the Dark Rangers, and every other member of the Forsaken, day one when she made sure no living human would see them as anything but monsters just so they’d have nowhere else to go but huddled at her feet.

She betrayed them when she decided to make her capital the sewers of Lordaeron instead of the surface to remind them every day they had no place in the world above.

She betrayed them when she built their culture entirely around herself, making her a replacement for the Light that she claimed abandoned them.

Sylvanas’s entire stint as a leader was her betraying her people by abusing and manipulating them so they’d never consider serving anyone else.

You’re very correct, so number three is the lie.

the lie was that two statements would be true.

I respect that. :fist_right:t2::fist_left:t2:

my first read on that led me to believe #3 was the lie.

to what ends would her cosmic allegiance push her to fully abandon her previous mortal teathers. given what she was after, along with the comic ending, i felt she was fully committed to betraying her sisters right then and there. but something held her back at the last second.

whether that changes the lie into a truth after the fact i cannot say for sure. but that was my takeaway

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You could say the same thing about Kael’thas who sided with the Legion yet was sent to Revendreth.

Highly unlikely as she never did anything bad before that point.

And we have literal planet destroyers who got sent to Revendreth.