What was Sylvanas's two truths and a lie?

I think her book explained that although poorly but basically Frostmourne got retconned to being made by the jailor and when it was used in a rage to kill Sylvanas it sent a splinter of her soul to the Jailor or well he got it at one point. He used that shard to yank her soul away from the arbiter to fill her mind with lies and falsehood then sent her back to the living world. She was never intended to go to the maw, chances are the arbiter would of sent her to revendreth at worst but then she’d of perhaps ended up in Maldraxxus or Bastion. The maw was not where she was meant to go but the Jailor made her think it was. Her soul only being whole again when she betrayed the jailor only for her to come to terms with how the Banshee she’d become did so much evil that she felt Tyrande’s judgement was valid after Shadowlands was over. Or…something idk Shadowlands was a mess and the retcons kinda make one’s head hurt at times. She got lied to is…quite a odd path to go for it… took it away from victimized women banding together to Sylvanas being lied to and made a bald man’s puppet… god that was a real messed up retcon


Nah, it didn’t.

There’s a point in the book where the Jailer tells her that the Arbiter sent her to The Maw. And he even tries to imply to her that Arthas was sent to there because of all the bad deeds he did lin life but we know that isn’t true. So it stands to reason that he was definitely lying to her there.

The only logical explanation as to how she ended up in The Maw was that she was taken there by the val’kyr given that they were right there when she commited suicide and that we know it’s easy to bypass The Arbiter as we saw with Devos and Uther.

Regardless, I wish we had gotten an official explanation as it’s one of the key events to her motivations.

She gaslit an entire people to becoming her expendable ammunition, blackmailed her own homeland while it was still recovering, and commissioned the creation of a plague designed specifically to kill all living and unliving things in Azeroth.

Sylvanas was always terrible.

It gets worse when you remember the expansion took that story of regaining autonomy and made it into “actually no, she was physically incapable of moving forward”, coupled with her abuser’s abuser then “fixing” her to torture her further, only to try to close that story thread by completely forgetting about the found family stuff to instead reinforce the importance of the biological family that wasn’t there for her anymore. And now the game has Anduin to retry the concept “right”.

I genuinely don’t think you could do anything to make it worse without being redundant in some way. Whatever they try to do with the character now, it can’t be the one people got attached to, because Sylvanas was effectively retconned away.

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That’s factually incorrect, she inspired them to fight under her.

This is sort of true. She was just ensuring that the Blood Elves would carry their weight in the Horde as it was her who talked Thrall into letting them join the Horde.

It’s almost like the scourge and practially all living creatures were their enemies and they wanted to create a weapon to use against them.

Think what you want, but nothing she did from WC3 to the end up Wrath even remotely adds up to what Kael’thas had done in TBC and the literal planet destroyers who were still given a chance at redemption.

That’s her lie. She never wanted that. The Alliance refused to take her back after she became undead.

Whether it’s two truths or two lies, it doesn’t really matter because it is whatever writers want it to be. She’s a character that fought for the free will of the Forsaken for over a decade before Blizz decided she was gonna betray that.

That she’d always protect her people and Silvermoon even in undeath, until Wrath and MoP where they had her threaten Lor’themar.

I think of all of it, she probably does wish she was still alive, but really who knows. Something else might come along to counter that.


I think what it was is that they were prepping the game for a 3rd faction (Forsaken) and kinda wrote with that in mind. But it was probably too involved to code, and the idea was abandoned. So they then had to turn her development direction. That’s why statements she makes later in the story conflict with what she had said before. I think originally she would have been fiercely loyal and the ultimate protector of the Forsaken Faction.

But since that was nixed, her character went the hell all over the place, and now no one knows what to expect with her.

Kel’thuzad got sent to Maldraxxus. Kael to Revendreth. KThuzad isn’t misunderstood, not a tragic fallen soul or anything- he was a straight up power hungry, murderous psychopath. Kael joined the Legion. Hell, the Houndmaster of the Scarlet Crusade fed people to his dogs. He got sent to Revendreth.

Your point is kinda invalid.

i still believe that sylvanas was a character that was caught right in the middle of an ego battle between the different writers.

before bfa sylvanas was my batwoman. i wanted her to be batwoman. i wanted her to be riddick.

a lot of people have this idealized version of what she should or shouldn’t be, what kind of character is out of character etc. i hate how i participate in that in much the same way.

i am a hypocrite. bfa and the sylvanas arc was my one escapism when i hit rock bottom so i have a lot of very strong feelings that i dont know how to cope with

Was this a retcon? Like, he writers did and corporate said “no!” ?

“No, it was not.”

The 3rd is a lie. It has yet to happen, I think. Not sure as I haven’t been paying attention for awhile now.


It was “3. I would never betray you my dear sisters.”. Her intent was to kill Vereesa and raise her as a Dark Ranger. But just before that happened Vereesa apologized to her for not going along with her plan at the end of the Panda expansion and Sylvanas changed her mind.


She deeply cared for her sisters and she began to attribute everything that went wrong in her life to her death, rather than her own actions. This is the reason why the cutscene between her and Uther is also explained not as an excuse of her actions, but rather as an acceptance that she is everything she was and what she did - not just the parts that she could accept that she was and had done.

Also ya’ll who think she was going to betray her sisters need to actually read the stories she’s part of. To think she’d ever be willing to betray her sisters is to completely misunderstand Sylvanas’ character as well as the definition of betrayal.

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Why is it in quotes?

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“It’s just a silly posting quirk that I have.”
/shy smile

Just accept the fact that Blizzard junked Sylvannas’s lore

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