What to expect rolling an Alliance toon?

I have two reasons why my Alliance toons are on WrA for the most part. The first is that being active on Horde with my more active characters being neutral, I am more familiar with the Alliance Community here.

My second reason is the Goldshire inn. I really like it for an Rp location but don’t really like what it is on Mg. I don’t mind people doing that sort of thing but it is too full and you can’t really ignore it there. Personally I wish there was another easy to access place for that whole scene but it is what it is.

There are a few campaigns/communities that I am in with alliance guilds and characters; Helping Hands and Dragonscale. Then there is also Duskwood. I have never been myself but I hear so many great things. I admire the work Thomas Bates has done to turn the zone into a Rp hub. I hope to see others follow his example.