What things do you think players will ruin in TBC

Plan on dungeoning til you hit 73ish, just avoid trying to quest in hellfire at first


Wonā€™t happen. They will nerf attunements as they go on through the phase cycles.

Or just dont have guild drama and retain a raid team?

even without factoring in drama youā€™re going to lose people, best bet is to actually plan as much as possible around said attrition.

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What about just plain player burnout? What about real life causing a player to have to step away for a few months?

Edit: weā€™re all adults now. The chances of real life getting in the way are probably higher for most people now than they were 16 years ago.

Yeah, true enough. Stockin up on them PVPā€™rs and givin them a place to play when they like is a solid plan im thinking.

Yes adn no.
Theyā€™re goign to be after very specific loot and throwing netherā€™s at them over raiders is going to cause rifts.

Iā€™ve always said the best and worst part of WoW has been dealing with people and while 25 raiders are easier to manage than 40, itā€™s still herding cats.


Why? What raiders need is people who show up and perform consistently, not prima donas who show up when they want and think theyā€™re special because they pvp.

Not every PVP player is that way, there are a few who are as you say but most are really nice.

Yeah thatā€™s probably not gonna be possible with guilds forcing loot council, even on content thatā€™s old, on farm, and can be pugged.

Guilds will always lose members due to loot drama like that.

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Depends on how they handle the LC.

I have seen LCā€™s done a few ways that are super fair and basically 100% transparent and other LCā€™s that are crooooooked as hell. And even hybrid systems that are really good like a mix of LC and DKP that works out really good, just depends on who is in charge and how its handled. Bad leadership will destroy and guild in short order, but so will the lack of order and leadership.


If they use the last patch, they will either have to revert one change or effectively poison pill PvP in it pretty hard.

In the last patch they decided to give Hunters a dispel added to their Arcane Shot.

People complained it was overpowered (It was) and blizzard responded that it was too close to Wrath and to wait. Then Wrath came out and they complained and blizzard said to wait till people were at max level. Then after people hit max level and geared and still complaining. Blizzard finally addressed it.

If they were trying to poison pill in private server dumb enough to blindly follow the last patch, they did so with that. Hopefully they donā€™t hurt their own return to it making the same mistake.

Giving hunters a magic dispel didnā€™t even logically make sense to begin with. But having it tied to their natural damage rotation where they do it without thinking is even worse.

If they refuse to address it, you will have hunters arcane shotting off Priest bubbles, mage armors, HoTs and other things which isnā€™t near representative of what made TBC great and actually caused nothing but problems when they did it.

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Wait are you saying that ARCANE SHOT purging one RANDOM buff in a sea of trash buffs is game-breaking to TBC? Not 1.5 minute Blind CD on rogues? Not Druids having TWO DIFFERENT DR spammable CC abilities? Not sl/sl warlocks doing 3k+ dmgper instant cast ability while being the tankiest class in the game? Not the Mage water ele ranged novaing an entire team from 30 yards, into a 5k shatter combo?

Hunters are all but guaranteed to be the worst pure DPS class in arena, but hey at least we canā€¦ dispel a random buff every 6 seconds?

Classic is a copy of a 2005 game, but it is being played by 2020 players. A lot of the ā€œwonderful things we rememberā€ were caused by other players being newbies and/or us being newbies.

Iā€™m sure the same will happen with TBC, unless Blizzard has a clone army they can add. I figure about half a million players would do it. How long does it take to grow a clone army?

Not really. Like on horde side you have everything. But try getting or crafting stuff on alliance side. GL with the dead AH

I honestly would like to see some form of change to attunements in TBC, they really are truly insane.

Not removed, not nerfed. But perhaps being account wide?

It is literally insane to try to have any alts in TBC. The attunement chain is absolutely out of control in TBC, thereā€™s no legitimate argument that it is not so.

You should only have to do it on one toon.

The fact that Blizzard is silent on teleport and fly hacking and refuses to fix it.


Some of the utility buffs to Hunters would have been better as talents.

Aimed Shot becomes a 41-yard Mortal Strike? Giving a healing reduction to Aimed Shot should have been a talent past 31-points in Marksmanship. It could have been tied to another talent (e.g. 5/5 points = 50% healing reduction -or- 'Your Aimed Shot critical strikes now reduce healing effects by 50% for 10 seconds). Something similar could have been incorporated into the Beastmastery tree so that critical strikes from pets add a stacking healing reduction, like Wound Poison.

Likewise, the dispel to Arcane Shot could have been an add-on to a deep Survival talent, perhaps to Expose Weakness (e.g. 5/5 = Your Arcane Shots now have a 100% chance to dispel a magic effect on the target).

Many people wont even get that far. You have to get through the Dark Portal firstā€¦good luck on any PvP server.